Louis Columbus, is a member of the Cincom Complex Manufacturing Business Solutions Team and a former Senior Analyst at AMR Research. Louis Columbus' career has included senior management positions with Gateway, Ingram Micro and a software start-up, where he served as Vice President, Marketing and Business Development. Prior to joining Cincom, Louis was a Senior Analyst at AMR Research, focusing on guided selling, sales and product configuration, order management and service lifecycle management. Mr. Columbus has published fifteen books on a variety of technology areas including Microsoft operating systems, peripherals, the application service provider arena, and currently serves as a weekly columnist with CRMBuyer.com and Informit.com. His most recent book, Getting Results From Your Analyst Relations Strategies (published by iUniverse.
com in 2004), was completed while at AMR Research in response to the needs of vendor clients wanting to get more out of their analyst relations budgets. Mr. Columbus is also currently a lecturer for graduate-level International Business and Marketing courses at Webster Loyola-Marymount University, contributing in this role for the past four years. He's also taught graduate level courses at University of California, Irvine, and California State University Fullerton. Mr. Columbus focuses on global economic theory, balance of trade, international marketing strategies, global product introductions, and international expansion strategies including join ventures and subsidiary creation. Courses have been taught onsite at Ford Motor Company and Chrysler Corporation.