Timothy S. Hatten is a professor at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado, where he has served as theChair of Business Administration and created the Study Abroad Program for CMU campus. He received his PhD from theUniversity of Missouri-Columbia, his MS from Central Missouri State University, and his BA from Western State Collegein Gunnison, Colorado. He is a two-time Fulbright Scholar teaching small business and entrepreneurship at ReykjavikUniversity in Iceland and Copenhagen Business Academy in Denmark. Dr. Hatten has been passionate about small andfamily businesses his whole life. He grew up with the family-owned International Harvester farm equipment dealershipin Bethany, Missouri, which his father started. Later, he owned and managed a Chevrolet/Buick/Cadillac dealership withhis father, Drexel, and brother, Gary.
Since entering academia, Dr. Hatten has actively brought students and smallbusinesses together through the Small Business Institute program. He works with small businesses and serves on theBoard of Directors of the Business Incubator Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. He is the author of the bestselling SmallBusiness Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond, 6e published by Cengage which has been used in more than 30countries.