Submit to key industry reviewers, including Publishers Weekly and Library Journal Leverage existing websites for marketing and promotion Engage growing email list, with regular email promotions and special newsletters specifically tailored around the book and author's expertise Intensively market on social media platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube), populating the YouTube channel with valuable content and strategically targeting advertising campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Ads Use the author's experience in luxury retail to tailor marketing efforts and establish corporate engagements in the luxury market Utilize free plus shipping book promotion strategy to boost sales Aim to gain media coverage, including appearances as a podcast guest, and explore opportunities for TV coverage Build on prior experience as a trainer and corporate presenter, targeting the luxury retail audience as well as the broader sales community Public speaking will be a significant pillar of the marketing strategy Host a prominent virtual launch event on platforms like Facebook Live, LinkedIn Live, and TikTok, directing traffic to purchase points like Barnes & Noble or specific bookstore locations Intense three-month marketing lead-up to the book launch, which includes releasing free sample chapters, hosting educational webinars, and a series of podcast appearances Comprehensive post-launch marketing for the next four weeks, with continued efforts to boost sales and enhance visibility.
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