Part 1: Introduction: Setting the Scene Introduction - Development in an Inter-Connected World 2. The Impact of Global Actors on Development: A Trade-off between Costs and Benefits 3. An International Network Approach Part 2: International Networks of States Introduction: A Network Approach to International Relations 4. Bilateral and Regional Trade and Investment Agreements 5. Bargaining in International Organizations: The World Bank, the IMF and the WTO 6. Informal State Networks Aimed at Development: OPEC, Cairns, G77. Conclusion: International Networks of States in Action Part 3: International Networks of Firms Introduction: A Network Approach to International Business 7. Patterns of Firm Networks: Macro Level - FDI and Trade 8.
Patterns of International Firm Networks: Micro Level - D&B, Cases. Conclusion: International Firms Networks in Action Part 4: Networks of States and Firms in Interaction Introduction: A Network Approach to International Political Economy 9. The Effects of Interaction on Development: The Effectiveness of International Network Strategies for Development 10. Policy Recommendations: Dealing With FDI and Development in the Future.