'This book identifies an important gap in the academic literature and provides a rigorous examination on law applicable to online auctions. Christine Riefa pulls no punches in this invaluable book; her empirical research gives credibility to her findings.'Pablo Cortés, University of Leicester, UK 'This book offers a comprehensive survey of the most important developments in online auctions. This is an ambitious book containing valuable analysis of contract formation, consumer redress, unfair contract terms, and intermediary liability. Dr Riefa has managed to cover these topics in an informative and detailed manner. A must-have for IT lawyers.'Andres Guadamuz, University of Sussex, UK 'This book provides a thorough and detailed exploration of the legal protection of consumers using online auction platforms. The research and analysis is impressive in its scope and is underpinned by empirical surveys of 28 UK online auction sites.
The book covers significant EU developments, but its analysis and recommendations are relevant to all jurisdictions aiming to develop a legal regime for the regulation of online auctions.'Kate Tokeley, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 'This book presents an exhaustive overview of serious legal problems relating to one of the major e-commerce trading forms - online auctions - with a special focus on consumer protection rights, taking into account recent developments at the European level. It is one of those rare books which really provides an in-depth comparison of different jurisdictions and their approaches. Control of contract clauses and liability issues are excellently discussed.'Gerald Spindler, University of Goettingen, Germany.