TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY URBAN TRIUMPHALISM AND ITS SIGNATURE SCRIPT: A SPECULATIVE GOVERNANCETwenty-First Century Urban TriumphalismMetropolitan Life as _Planetary Condition_Metropolitan Contours: Patchwork Landscapes, Contingent TerritoriesCity as Accumulation Strategy: Land, Rent, Dis/Re-PossessionSpeculative Modes of Urban GovernanceWHO GOVERNS, AND ON BEHALF OF WHOM?So Who Does Govern? Community Power in QuestionWho Governs What and on Behalf of Whom?Landed Interests: City as Growth MachineEmpowering Governing Coalitions: Urban RegimesEntrepreneurial Urban GovernanceNeoliberal Urbanization and State Spatial StrategiesPRIVATIZING DOWNTOWN GOVERNANCEDowntown as Enterprise ZoneConvivial Urbanism: Downtown Malls and Festival Marketplaces_Ordered, Clean and Safe_: Encoding the Consumerist BubbleBusiness Improvement Districts: _Primary Definers_ of 21st Century Urban Governance?Invented Downtown as Accumulation Regime: Integrated Mega-Projects_Quintessence of the Public Realm_: Whose Downtown?METRO-GOVERNANCETwentieth Century Suburban Frontiers and Bourgeois UtopiasPost-Suburbia: Edge Cities and Shadow GovernmentsA Partitioning Metroburbia: Privatopias and Secessionary Place-Making_Suburban Constellations_: Territorializing Strategies of Urban ExtensionInformality and Occupancy Urbanism: e.g. _Slum-Free Dharavi_Summoning _Poor_ CommunitiesPOLICING AN ORDERED METROPOLITAN LANDSCAPEZero Tolerance of Urban Disorder: Populist RevanchismDe-Politicizing Urban Accumulation: Post-Political City?De-Statizing Governance: _Taking the Politics out of Urban Development_Investing in _Common Interests_: New Territorializations of CitizenshipIn What Sense a Post-Political and Post-Democratic City?INSURGENT URBAN POLITICSOn the Impossibility of Suppressing a City_s GrassrootsInsurgent Urbanisms: Righting _Wrongs_ for those with _No Part_Occupation: Asserting a Right to the CityThe Demos of Indignados: Raising the Stakes of Urban PoliticsQuiet Encroachments: An Incremental Politics of the EverydayAffirming _The Political_ in Urban SpaceORDERINGS, DISORDERINGS, DISJUNCTURES: TERRITORIALITIES OF THE URBAN STATELand, Property and Urban PoliticsGentrifying the Social Base of the Urban StateAusterity Urbanism and Geographies of DispossessionPolicing Urban Crises: Neoliberal Accumulation, Authoritarian PopulismIndignant of Bourgeois Governance: For a Dignified Urban Politics.
Urban Governance