Preface Acknowledgments List of Acronyms 1. Introduction Purpose of the Book What Is New or Different about This Book? Notes on Research Method How Is the Book Structured? Part I: Historical Overview and Conceptual Framework of Innovation Policy 2. Innovation Policy in the Digital Age Introduction Innovation: Defining a Nebulous Concept Innovation Policy Dissecting Ideologies, Myths, and Sophistries 3. Mapping the Historical Contours of Research on Innovation Systems and Intermediary Institutions Introduction From Regional to National Innovation Systems - and Back Again Institutional Intermediaries and Innovation Ecosystems Conclusion 4. Innovation Policy and the Ontario Experience Introduction A Snapshot of Ontario's Innovation Report Card Ontario's Innovation Policy in Historical Perspective From Basic R&D to a Commercialization and Regionally Embedded Focus The Regional Focus and the Emergence of Innovation "Systems" The Rise of Institutional Intermediaries Conclusion 5. Intermediary Platforms as Conduits of Innovation Commercialization and Tech Entrepreneurship Support in Ontario: The Regional Innovation Centres Introduction The Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE) The Enduring Debate and Lingering Questions Conclusion 6. A Framework of Intermediary Institutions as Strategic Modular Network Platforms of Policy Delivery in Complex Systems Introduction Intermediary Platforms as Modular Network Structures Strategic Management and Innovation Platforms as Adaptive Entities Organization Theory and Innovation Platforms as Governance Entities An Integrated Analytical Framework Part II: Five Cases of Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) as Spatially Embedded Platforms of Innovation Policy Delivery in Ontario 7. Innovation Factory: Thriving in the Belly of a Whale 8.
TechAlliance: Carving a Niche in London's Innovation Ecosystem 9. Innovate Niagara: Navigating the Jurisdictional Fissures of a Two-Tier Region 10. The Northern Centre for Advanced Technology (NORCAT): A Tech Gateway to Ontario's North? 11. WEtech Alliance: In Search of Coherence in a Splintered Ecosystem 12. Comparing the RICs in Five Midsized Regions of Ontario: Triumphs, Tribulations, Conundrums, and Gaps Part III: Where Do We Go from Here? 13. Policy Recommendations 14. Theoretical Implications for Public Policy and Administration: Intermediary Platforms as Instruments of Policy Delivery 15. Conclusion: A Synopsis of Key Themes and Takeaways Appendices Bibliography.