Joseph B. Ryan is the Sue Stanzione Distinguished Professor of special education at Clemson University. He has taught students with special needs from grades K through 12 across a variety of educational settings, including resource and self-contained classrooms, special day schools, and a residential treatment center. He is the founder and Executive Director of Clemson LIFE (Learning is for Everyone), a postsecondary education program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Dr. Ryan has over 100 publications and is presently a three-term editor of the journal, Beyond Behavior . His research interests focus on behavioral interventions and enhancing post-school outcomes for individuals with disabilities. He is a Fulbright Scholar, and has been interviewed by Anderson Cooper, CNN, Headline News, New York Times, Wall Street Journal , and other leading periodicals.
He has provided several U.S. Congressional Briefings on behavioral crisis interventions for schools. Paul Mooney is a professor and director of special education programs in the Louisiana State University (LSU) Lutrill & Pearl Payne School of Education. He presently teaches and directs licensure programming for preservice and inservice candidates at the main LSU campus. Dr. Mooney has co-authored more than 40 scholarly publications, including the book Instructional Practices for Students with Behavioral Disorders: Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Math (2008) with Drs. J.
Ron Nelson and Gregory Benner. A former practicing school psychologist and present editor--with Dr. Ryan--of the practitioner-focused behavioral education journal, Beyond Behavior , his research interests include effective dissemination methods for research- or evidence-based academic and behavioral assessments and interventions.