Acknowledgments Introduction, Holly Pearson Chapter One: Practicing Consilience Between Disability Studies and Special Education--Some Thoughts from a Career-long Attempt, David J. Connor Chapter Two: At the Nexus of Disability Studies in (Special) Education: Towards Consiliencatory Frameworks for Critical Emotion Praxis Liberation, David I, Hernández-Saca Chapter Three: Anti-ableism in Teacher Education: Celebrating Disability Identity Through Self-study and Radical Love, Sarah Arvey Tov Chapter Four: Teaching in the In-Between: Opportunities and Factors Informing Inclusive Reform in One School District, Amy J. Petersen, Danielle M. Cowley, Deborah J. Gallagher, and Shehreen Iqtadar Chapter Five: On the Margins of the Marginalized: Protecting and Loving on Black Children with Intellectual Disability and Emotional and Behavior Disturbances, Lydia Ocasio-Stoutenburg Chapter Six: Boundaries of Disability Studies and Special Education: Radical Pedagogy and Relatedness, Jane Strauss Chapter Seven: Critical Coalition with/in the Boundaries: A Radical Love Response to Neoliberal Debilitation in Special Education, M. Nickie Coomer, Ashley Cartell Johnson, Brittany Aronson, and Ganiva Reyes Chapter Eight: Introspecting the Radical Love Boundaries Between Deaf Studies and Special Education in an African Setting, Martin Musengi Chapter Nine: Ethics of Care/ing Work/ers at the Boundary of Critical Dis/ability Studies and Special Education, Christina A. Bosch Chapter Ten: Daring to Speak/Teach from our Hearts: A Self-study of Critical Disability Studies Teacher Education at the Boundaries of Ableism, Racism and Sexism as Faculty of Color, Shehreen Iqtadar and David I. Hernández-Saca Chapter Eleven: Grappling with the Tensions: Cultivating Justice-Oriented Praxis Through Collaborative Autoethnographic Poetry, Amanda L.
Miller, Chelsea Stinson, and Maria T. Timberlake Chapter Twelve: Checklists and Merit Badges: On Whiteness, Ability, and the Boundary Between Special Education and Radical Love, JPB Gerald Chapter Thirteen: Female Inclusive Educators of Color: Challenging White Privilege and the Mechanism of Dis/ablement Through Radical Love, Sarah Schlessinger Chapter Fourteen: Blurring Boundaries: Dreaming/s of a Neurodivergent-Teacher-Parent-Student-Researcher, Ananí M. Vasquez Chapter Fifteen: I Still Have Joy: Disability Justice as Praxis, Theory, and Research in a Special Education Teacher Preparation Program, Gloshanda Lawyer Conclusion, Holly Pearson About the Contributors.