1A. Freedom of the press in prison By Lovey Cooper & Scalawag Editors 1B. Doing the (internal) work By Danielle Purifoy 2A. Exploring the existing models: Ways to start working with incarcerated writers By Rahsaan "New York" Thomas 2B. The anatomy of a story: The interpersonal work of co-reporting By Christopher Blackwell & Jessica Schulberg 2C. Nuts and bolts: Best practices and bad habits 2D. How to pay incarcerated writers for their work By Emily Nonko 3A. Retaliation against incarcerated writers By Lyle C.
May 3B. Developing a career from prison: It takes a team By Lyle C. May 3C. Editors' power to level the playing field By Jessica Sylvia 4. Sustaining the work long term: More resources and next steps.