Introduction by Kate Mastruserio Reynolds, Grazzia Maria Mendoza-Chirinos, Debra Suarez, Okon Effiong, and Georgios Kormpas Chapter 1: Igniting the Passion: ELT Renaissance at Itolu Community High School, Ilaro, Nigeria by Oluyemisi Oladejo Chapter 2: Advocacy and Education as a Vehicle for Economic Development and Empowerment of the Garifuna in Belize by Abigail Awanga Ekangouo Chapter 3: Relevant Education as a Vehicle for Economic Development in Belize by Enita Elecia Barrett Chapter 4: De-Colonizing Advocacy: Advocacy Efforts for English Language Teaching and Learning in Belize by Ethnelda Paulino Chapter 5: English for a Better Future Program: An Initiative to Provide Quality Education to El Salvador's Youth by Miguel Ángel Carranza Carranza Chapter 6: TESOL Transformative Advocacy in Tertiary Education in Vietnam by Son Nguyen, Huong Lam, and Hong-Anh Nguyen Chapter 7: Using English Language Teaching as a Platform for Developing Self-Advocacy: English is our Future by Briana Rogers Chapter 8: Supporting Young Learners' English in Public Schools in Turkey: Spoken Cafes Project by Sumru Akcan Chapter 9: EFL Classrooms as Spaces for Advocacy Acts in Areas of Intractable Conflict by Julia Schlamm Salman and Bridget Schvarcz Chapter 10: Three Decades of Supporting English Teachers in Paraguay: PARASOLs New Advocacy Response by Valentina Canese, Susan Spezzini, and Rocío Mazzoleni Chapter 11: Metagogy as Advocacy in Initial Teacher Education by Gabriel Diaz Maggioli Chapter 12: Global Efforts in Advocacy for English Language Teaching and Learning: Conclusions and Futures by Okon Effiong, Kate Mastruserio Reynolds, Debra Suarez, Georgios Kormpas, Grazzia Maria Mendoza-Chirinos Index.
Decentering Advocacy in English Language Teaching : Global Perspectives and Local Practices