Contents:1 Introduction to the handbook: putting pedagogic models to work inresearch methods education 1Melanie NindPART I TEACHING AND LEARNING SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODSIN THE CLASSROOM2 Research literacy and the relationship between research and teaching:the case of research about teaching about research 15Martyn Hammersley3 Feminist pedagogies: careful(l) ethics in teaching qualitative research methods 27Kelly W. Guyotte, Stephanie Anne Shelton and Maureen A. Flint4 Facilitating learners'' reflexive thinking in qualitative research courses 39Amy Orange5 Pedagogies for collaborative qualitative research 51Thalia Mulvihill and Raji Swaminathan6 Enhancing the teaching of qualitative methods: teaching the ''breadthand depth method'' for analysis of ''big qual'' 67Sarah Lewthwaite, Lynn Jamieson, Emma Davidson, Rosalind Edwards,Melanie Nind and Susie Weller7 Teaching mixed methods research to address diverse learners'' needs:pedagogical strategies and adaptations 86Nataliya V. Ivankova and Vicki L. Plano Clark8 Teaching mixed methods using an open-space learning approach 107Rebecca Johnson and Marie Murphy9 Active learning, constructive alignment, and research methods: towarda programme level approach 120Tom Clark and Liam Foster10 Post-philosophies inspire the teaching/learning of qualitative inquiry 135Candace R. Kuby11 Shaping researcher learning through scribbles: embodied pedagogicalpractices in classroom inquiry 151David Higgins and Ali Rostron12 Teaching and learning social research methods in social work:challenges and benefits of experiential and applied learning contexts 167Sandra Lopes and Sandra Saúde13 Teaching the art of qualitative research interviewing: a developmentalapproach 184Kathryn Roulston and Brigette A. Herron14 What are we teaching for? Humility and responsibility in social scienceresearch 200Jennifer R. Wolgemuth, Yi-Hsin Chen, Liliana Rodríguez-Campos, JohnFerron, Eunsook Kim, Robert F.
Dedrick and David LambPART II TEACHING AND LEARNING SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS ONLINE15 Using intentionality to frame how we teach research methods online 216Cheryl Hunter, Tamara Hoffer and Joshua Hunter16 Experiential pedagogies in the online space 228Nicole Brown, Helen Butcher, Belen Febres-Codero and Chuying (Trista) Wu17 Back to the basics: teaching research online in the time of the Covid-19pandemic 242Maja Miskovic and Jamie Kowalczyk18 ''No choice'' but remote learning: non-traditional students making senseof social research methods 257Rossana Perez-del-Aguila, Heather Allison and Naveed Kazmi19 The use of online materials to support the development of quantitative skills 274Steve Cook and Duncan Watson20 Teaching and learning research methods and statistics in eLearningenvironments pre-, during, and post-pandemic 287Adam J. Rock, Kylie Rice, Natasha M. Loi, Einar B. Thorsteinsson andMethuen I. Morgan21 "Mixing" traditional and non-traditional online technologies to buildcommunity in an online mixed methods research methods course 301Jori N. Hall and Sara Campbell22 Integrating the online teaching of qualitative analysis methods andtechnologies: challenges, solutions and opportunities 318Christina Silver, Sarah L. Bulloch, Michelle Salmona and Nicholas W. Woolf23 Teaching research methods online: informal or semi-formalprofessional development 334Janet Salmons, Andy Nobes, Nicola Pallitt and Tony CarrPART III TEACHING AND LEARNING SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODSIN THE FIELD AND OTHER CONTEXTS24 An analysis of doctoral supervision as pedagogic practice in socialscience and the role of social research methods in supervision 353Rosemary Deem and Sally Barnes25 Pedagogical approaches in inclusive research 368Edurne García Iriarte, Maria Pallisera, Judit Fullana, Brian Donohoe,Kathleen McMeel and Marc Crespo26 Research methods learning in temporary online communities during Covid-19 383Andy Coverdale, Melanie Nind and Robert Meckin27 Understanding research methods textbooks: pedagogy, production and practice 397Patrick Brindle and Sarah Lewthwaite28 Rethinking safeguarding: an opportunity to establish a decolonialteaching framework for social research practice 413Leona Vaughn29 Managing distance when teaching, learning, and doing oral history:a case study from Vietnam 428Siobhan Warrington, Laura Beckwith, Hue Nguyen, Graham Smith, LanNguyen, Thuy Mai Thi Minh, Chamithri Greru, Tanh Nguyen, OliverHensengerth, Pam Woolner and Matt Baillie SmithIndex.