Introduction.- Four prospective teachers and their programs.- Critical reflections struggle to emerge.- Performative but not transformative.- Problematizing the performance.- Prospective teachers' understanding of critical reflection.- Prospective teachers attitudes towards the e-portfolio.- Performing to the audience.
- Disjuncture between performance and action.- Missed opportunities for transformative learning.- Supporting prospective teachers' critical reflections for transformative learning: data based frameworks, e-portfolio design and processes, creative activities and assignments, classroom observation and supervision, toward a community of critically reflective practitioners.- Coding and analyzing narratives to encourage transformative learning: open, axial and selective coding; hand coding; computer-assisted coding; multi-rater coding; data triangulation.- Putting it all together: creating a teacher preparation program utilizing e-portfolios for critical reflection and transformative learning.- To the future.- Appendix 1: Methodological Strategies.- Appendix 2: Codes and coding samples.