Introduction; Janet Goodall, Jo Rose, and Liz Todd Case Studies Chapter 1. Case Study 1: Out-of-School Activities and the Attainment Gap: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Secondary Data Analysis with Narrative Intersectional Analysis; Karen Laing, Laura Mazzoli Smith, and Liz Todd Chapter 2. Case Study 2: Developing Citizenship and Personhood through a Youth Sports Charity Programme; Ioannis Costas Batlle and Ceri Brown Chapter 3. Case Study 3: Researching the Unknown: Developing an Understanding of Children's Informal Mathematical Activity; Tim Jay and Jo Rose Chapter 4. Case Study 4: Rhizomic Ethnography: Exploring the Lived Experience of and After-School Minecraft Club; Chris Bailey Chapter 5. Case Study 5: Research Co-Production with Young Women through an Out-of-School Residential Trip; Jill Clark and Karen Laing Chapter 6. Case Study 6: Researching Geographies of Youth Work; Ruth Cheung Judge and Matej Blazek Chapter 7. Case Study 7: Reflections on Position: Relational Agency in Researching 'Everyday Maths'; Jo Rose and Tim Jay Chapter 8.
Case Study 8: Destabilising Methodologies: Working Toward Democratic Parent Engagement; Charlotte Haines Lyon Chapter 9. Case Study 9: Using a Collaborative Theory of Change Approach for Evaluating Out of School Learning; Karen Laing and Liz Todd Thematic Chapters Chapter 10. Theme 1: Negotiating the Researcher Role in Out-of-School Learning Research; Tim Jay and Karen Laing Chapter 11. Theme 2: Building Relationships, Building Structure: Working Together in Research on Out-of-School Learning; Jo Rose and Liz Todd Chapter 12. Theme 3: The Authenticity and Value of Knowledge; Laura Mazzoli Smith and Tim Jay Chapter 13. Theme 4: Emplacing Learning, Emplacing Research: Performances, Power and Inequalities; Ruth Cheung Judge, Matej Blazek, and Ceri Brown Chapter 14. Theme 5: A Beautiful Mess: Keeping Hold of Messiness and Complexity in Research; Liz Todd and Jo Rose Chapter 15. Theme 6: Ethical Practice in Out of School Learning; Jill Clark, Charlotte Haines Lyon, Tim Jay, and Karen Laing Chapter 16.
Theme 7: Slow Down: Relationship Building and Slow Research in Settings for Non-Formal Learning; Ioannis Costas Batlle, Laura Mazzoli Smith, and Ruth Cheung Judge Concluding Thoughts; Janet Goodall.