Contents Foreword ?ix Appreciations ?xi Introduction ?1 Our Stories ?3 Leading and Learning Together ?4 Structure of the Book ?6 Part I: The Capacity We Need to Cultivate Change 1. ?The Leadership Pivot: From Single to Many ?11 Disciplinary Approaches to Leadership ?11 Circular Leadership ?13 Leadership for Social Justice ?16 Conclusion ?17 Resources and Tools for Chapter 1 ?17 2. ?The Pedagogy of Trust: Setting the Necessary Conditions ?18 Gracious Space ?19 Dynamic Mindfulness ?22 Arts Integration ?23 Personal Narratives ?23 Addressing Conflict ?27 Organizational Meetings: In-Person and Virtual Learning Exchanges ?29 Conclusion ?30 Resources and Tools for Chapter 2 ?31 3. ?Community as Text: Harnessing the Assets of People and Place ?32 Community Learning Exchange Axioms ?33 Ecologies of Knowing ?34 Our Communities as Text ?36 The Role of Storytelling: Pláticas and Testimonios ?38 Conclusion ?41 Resources and Tools for Chapter 3 ?42 Part II: Changes in Practice 4. ?Practitioner-Research in Action ?45 Leaders and Teachers as Practitioner-Researchers ?45 Community Learning Exchange Pedagogy and Protocols ?47 Liberatory Design: Modes, Mindsets, and Actions ?56 Conclusion ?61 Resources and Tools for Chapter 4 ?61 5. ?Evidence-Based Observations ?62 Equitable Access and Rigor ?64 Instructional Antidotes: Tried-and-True Practices ?67 Useful Observation Processes ?68 Conclusion ?78 Resources and Tools for Chapter 5 ?78 6. ?Effective Conversations, Not Feedback ?79 Shifting to Post-Observation Conversations ?81 Effective Conversation Guide ?82 Results of Engaging in Effective Post-Observation Conversations ?87 Analysis of Post-Observation Conversations ?89 Resources and Tools for Chapter 6 ?91 7. ?Authentic and Meaningful Professional Learning ?92 Transfer to Classroom Practices: Temporary or Permanent? ?94 Reimagining District and School Leadership ?101 Conclusion ?105 Resources and Tools for Chapter 7 ?105 8.
?Leading and Learning With Joy and Justice ?106 Glossary ?112 Appendix A: Resources ?115 Appendix B: EdD Dissertations of Practitioner-Researchers ?117 Appendix C: General Resources for Leading and Learning Together: Cultivating School Change From Within Community Learning Exchange ?122 References ?123 Index ?137 About the Authors ?145.