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Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2023
Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2023
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ISBN No.: 9781835493199
Pages: 304
Year: 202412
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 193.20
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Part 1: Comparative Education Trends and Directions Chapter 1. Twenty-Three Too or Coming of Age in the Twenty-First Century? Comparative and International Education Entering a New Century: Impressions Gleaned from the Review; C. C. Wolhuter, Oscar Espinoza, and Noel McGinn Chapter 2. Comparative Education at the Crossroads: A View from Hong Kong; Liz Jackson Chapter 3. Reflections on Comparative and International Education in Mexico; Carlos Ornelas and Zaira Navarrete-Cazales Part 2: Conceptual and Methodological Developments Chapter 4. Educational Contestations in a Changing World Society; Jieun Song, Minju Choi, and Francisco O. Ramirez Chapter 5.

How Should Comparative Research Be Conducted and What Purpose Does It Serve?; Renata Nowakowska-Siuta Chapter 6. Rethinking our Embrace of Decolonization: A Slippery Slope Leading to Nationalist Ideologies and Agendas; Supriya Baily Chapter 7. QuantCrit in Comparative Education Research: Tackling Methodological Nationalism When Examining Differences in Learning Outcomes between Indigenous and Non-indigenous Children in Peru; Miriam Broeks Part 3: Research-to-Practice Chapter 8. Into the Void: Teachers' Experiences with Student Well-being, Program (In)Consistency, and Communication at International Schools; Rebecca Stroud and Shamiga Arumuhathas Chapter 9. Can teaching overcome socioeconomic inequality in Latin America? A trend analysis using ERCE Data; Pablo Fraser, Fabián Fuentealba , Francisco Gatica, Alvaro Otaegui, and Carlos Henríquez Calderón Chapter 10. Contextualizing the Civic Roles of Postsecondary Institutions with Insights from Different Traditions; Jakob Kost, Leping Mou, and Michael O'Shea Part 4: Area Studies and Regional Developments Chapter 11. Education and Economic Development in South Asia; Amrit Thapa, Mary Khan, Will Lachicotte Hart Zemp, and James Gazawie Chapter 12. Educational Shift or New Age for Teaching and Learning: Examining the Journey of the Indian Educational System During the COVID - 19 Pandemic; Praveen Dubey Chapter 13.

Global Injustices of Colonial Schools: Educational Reparations and Representations of the Human; Benjamin D. Scherrer, Brandon Folson, Chevy R. J. Eugene, Ellie Ernst, Tinesh Indrarajah, tavis d. jules, Madeleine Lutterman, and Anastasia Toland Part 5: Diversification of the Field Chapter 14. International Schools for LGBTQ+ Youth: A Comparative Case Study of the Educational Function of International Schools in Poland; Joanna Leek, Marcin Rojek, and Elzbieta Szulewicz.

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