T. Dalgleish, C.R. Brewin, Editorial: Autobiographical Memory and Emotional Disorder. C.R. Brewin, Autobiographical Memory for Trauma: Update on Four Controversies. A.
Speckens, A. Ehlers, A. Hackmann, F. Ruths, D. Clark, Intrusive Memories and Rumination in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Phenomenological Comparison. M. Pasupathi, Telling and the Remembered Self: Linguistic Differences in Memories for Previously Disclosed and Previously Undisclosed Events. R.
Meiser-Stedman, P. Smith, W. Yule, T. Dalgleish, The Trauma Memory Quality Questionnaire: Preliminary Development and Validation of a Measure of Trauma Memory Characteristics for Children and Adolescents. R. McNally, Betrayal Trauma Theory: A Critical Appraisal. J. Freyd, A.
DePrince, D. Gleaves, The State of Betrayal Trauma Theory: Reply to McNally (2006), Conceptual Issues and Future Directions. C. Crane, T. Barnhofer, J.M.G. Williams, Cue Self-relevance Affects Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Individuals with a History of Major Depression.
P. Spinhoven, C. Bockting, I. Kremers, A. Schene, J.M.G. Williams, The Endorsement of Dysfunctional Attitudes is Associated with an Impaired Retrieval of Specific Autobiographical Memories in Response to Matching Cues.
S. Sch¿nfeld, A. Ehlers, I. B¿llinghaus, W. Rief, Overgeneral Memory and Suppression of Trauma Memories in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.