Introduction: Steering the Road Map of Arts Therapies Research with Persons on the Autism Spectrum PART 1: Little Hatchlings - Arts Therapies with Children on the Autism Spectrum and Their Families 1. Looking After the Hatchlings: Exploring the Reciprocal Nature of Friendship with an Autistic Girl through Dramatherapy 2. Fostering Creative Social Connections Between Autistic Children and Their Families Through Shared Music Experiences 3. Perspectives on Social Engagement During Short-Term Dance/Movement Therapy Groups within an Integrated Special Education Classroom 4. Practical Implications of the Sensory-Based Relational Art Therapy Approach 5. Shine a Light on Autism: Group Dramatherapy with Children Identified with Autism and Autistic Traits Who Experience Anxiety 6. Music Therapy and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Assessment Scale Evaluating Resilience-Informed Relationship Quality PART 2: Blooming Hatchlings - Arts Therapies with Young People and Adults on the Autism Spectrum 7. The Impact of Mirroring in Dance Movement Therapy on Empathy and Relating in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Secondary Reflexive Research 8.
Interpersonal Art Psychotherapy for Adults with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Being Treated in Secure Care: A Single-Case Study 9. Parental Perceptions of the Process and Impact of Dramatherapy Group Sessions for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder 10. Looking at the Big Picture: Caregivers' and Relatives' Life-worlds on the Contribution of a Combined Dance/Movement and Music Therapy Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder PART 3: Coming Together with Hatchlings - Arts Therapies in Different Combinations and Conditions 11. Adapting to COVID-19: Tele-Dance Movement Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents with Autism 12. From Music Therapist to Action Research Designer: A Narrative Account 13. Attunement and the Nonverbal Autistic Child: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective 14. "The Art of Receiving": A Heuristic Narrative Exploration of Long-Term Art Therapy with a Young Person with Autism from the Perspectives of Therapist, Client and Parent Conclusion: Inside-Out and Beyond.