Murari Prasad Regmi, DPhil, is a leading behavioural scientist in Asia. Previously, he was Head of the Central Department of Psychology at the Kirtipur Campus of Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, and he has conducted ground-breaking research in the areas of emotional intelligence and cross-cultural psychology Professor Regmi has contributed to Psychology Moving East (1987) and the International Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2007), and is the co-author of Learning in Nepal (1997). Karen B. Schmaling, PhD, earned her degree in clinical psychology from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. She is currently a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Washington State University in Vancouver, Washington, USA. Her interests include diversity in higher education, chronic unexplained medical conditions and depressive disorders. Antigonos Sochos, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, University of Bedfordshire, UK. He is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
His main academic interests lie in attachment theory and the integration of psychodynamic and social psychological approaches.