I. Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction Ãoe Discipline space: Ã&rsa" Multidisciplinary topic Ã&rsa" Terminology Ã&rsa" Flow diagram Ãoe Context for this book Ãoe Purpose & structure of this book (refer to diagram) II. From Fire to Emissions [Fire & fuels â consumption/combustion â pollution] Chapter 2: Mapping and characterizing fire [Author: Loboda; Editor: French] ÃoeHistorical fire records ÃoeSatellite fire records Ã&rsa"Active Fire Detection and characterization Ã&rsa"Burned Area and severity ÃoeFire regimes ÃoeAnthropogenic & management fires Chapter 3: Mapping and describing fuels and fire conditions [Author: French; Editor: Loboda] ÃoeFuel types and maps ÃoeEnvironmental conditions Ã&rsa"Weather & climate (fuel moisture)Ã@ Chapter 4: Estimating fire emissions and pollutants [Author: TBD; Editor: French] ÃoeEstimating consumption ÃoeEmission Factors for pollution quantification ÃoeReview chemicals and particulate characteristics in the smoke Ã&rsa"EPA criteria air pollutants Ã&rsa"trace gases, greenhouse gasesà III. From Emissions to Concentrations [Emission strengthâConcentrations] Chapter 5: Smoke chemistry and transport [Author: TBD; Editor: French] ÃoeParticle models (Hysplit) vs. chemical transport models (CTM) Chapter 6: Integrating in situ and satellite observations [Author:TBD; Editor: Loboda] ÃoeSatellite sensing capabilities & utility ÃoeIntegration with transport models Chapter 7: TBD (This could be a chapter on operational pollution modeling - CMAQ - Have EPA write it) IV. From Concentrations to Health Outcomes [ConcentrationsâExposureâHealth outcomes] Chapter 8: Assessing exposure [Author: TBD; Editor: French] ÃoeAir pollution and health problems - physiological mechanisms (literature) ÃoeLand manage ]ment fire exposure ÃoeMapping exposure of vulnerable populations ÃoeIdentifying vulnerable categories ÃoeExposure limits & metrics Chapter 9: Modeling health outcomes [Author:TBD; Editor: Loboda] ÃoeHealth data sources ÃoeStudy designs ÃoeConfounding factors Chapter 10: TBD V. Synthesis and Future Direction Chapter 11: The future of smoke modeling, for health assessment to inform science and practice ÃoeDiverse modeling approaches for fire situations or types (e.g.
managed vs. unplanned) ÃoeDecision tools for translating knowledge - MIEnvironment-like systems Chapter 12: Perspectives on wildland fire, smoke, and health ÃoeHealth burden of fire ÃoeReiterate transdisciplinary nature & context of this topic ÃoeSummarize the state of knowledge and needs for the subject.