«Carole Ferch-Johnson has provided a stimulating and timely study of the meaning of the nonverbal communication using hands and feet found in Acts 3:1-11 and 9:1-19a. She does this by considering the rest of Luke-Acts, as well as the relevant passages from the Septuagint, Philo, Josephus, Aratus, Aeschylus, Hippocrates, Soranus. In her book, Ferch-Johnson has produced a beautifully expressed exploration of the evidence, and this book will be essential reading for any future exploration of the significance of hands and feet in the New Testament.» (Professor Robert K. McIver, Avondale Seminary, Cooranbong NSW Australia).«Dr Ferch-Johnson focuses on two texts in Acts, the healing of the lame man in 3:1-11 and the commissioning of Saul in 9:1-19a. The originality of her thesis is to take the work of Julia T. Wood on non-verbal communication, demonstrate its presence in two classical writers that Luke quotes and in Jewish sources written in Greek from the second-temple era, and apply her findings to these two biblical texts.
And this she does convincingly and with great skill.» (Conjoint Adjunct Professor Norman H. Young, Avondale Seminary, Cooranbong NSW Australia).