Werner Wolf is Professor and Chair of English and General Literature at the University of Graz/Austria. Main areas of research: literary theory (aesthetic illusion, narratology, meta-phenomena), functions of literature, 18supth/sup-to 21supst/sup-century English fiction, intermediality studies (including relationships between literature, music and art). Nassim W. Balestrini is Professor and Chair of American Studies and Intermediality and Director of the Centre for Intermediality Studies in Graz (CIMIG) at the University of Graz/Austria. Main research areas: 18supth/sup- to 21supst/sup-century American literature, intermediality, life writing, climate change drama, poet laureate traditions. Walter Bernhart is retired Professor of English Literature at the University of Graz/Austria and President of the International Association for Word and Music Studies (WMA). Main areas of research: English poetry (16supth/sup, 19supth/sup, 20supth/sup centuries), literary theory (metrics, rhythm studies), intermediality studies (word/music relations, especially opera and lied).
Meaningful Absence Across Arts and Media : The Significance of Missing Signifiers