1. Introduction, Indira Hirway Section One: The Major Impeding Structure 2. Transforming Impeding Structures for Gender Equality: Exploring Pathways, Indira Hirway 3. Revisiting the Feminist Project of Gendering Development: Why Framing of Questions Becomes Important?, Padmini Swaminathan 4. Social Norms and Attitudes Towards Women's Entitlement to Land, Govind Kelkar and Pallavi Govindnathan 5. Policy Framework for Women's Economic Empowerment: What is a Miss?, Sona Mitra Section Two: Patriarchy and Unpaid Work 6. Care Economy in India, N Neetha 7. Women in the Labour Market: Structural Constraints and Solutions Towards Gender Equality and Empowerment, Deepta Chopra 8.
Gender Inequality and Intra Household Consumption Disparities, Anuradha Seth 9. Recognition, Reduction and Redistribution of Unpaid Work in India, Indira Hirway and Anindita Ghosh Section Three: Case Studies: Patriarchy in the Selected Sectors 10. Seasonal Agricultural Work, Gendered Time Use, and Its Implications for Nutrition, Nitya Rao 11. Gender Inequalities in Health and Care, Asha Kapur Mehta and Samik Chouwdhury 12. Barriers and Pathways to Girl's Education, Geeta Menon and Aparajita Sharma 13. Macroeconomic Policies and Unpaid Work: Trade-liberalization Policy and Home-based Workers, Indira Hirway Section Four: Social Norms and Violence Against Women 14. Macro Roots of Violence Against Women: Rape Victim's Struggle for Justice, Jharna Pathak and Rahul Sharma 15. Socio-Economic Correlates of Domestic Violence: A Hidden Crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic, Jharna Pathak and Neha Shah Section Five: Social Mobilization for Empowerment 16.
Gradual Revolution: SEWA, An Example of the Women's Movement, Renana Jhabvala and Nitya Nangalia 17. Expanding Statistical Paradigm Mainstreaming Time Use Surveys in the India Statistical System, Indira Hirway 18. Social Development Index 2022, Surajit Deb.