Tom Wayman 's prolific literary career includes writing more than twenty poetry collections, three collections of critical and cultural essays, three books of short fiction and a novel, as well as editing six poetry anthologies. He received British Columbia's 2022 George Woodcock Award for Lifetime Achievement in the literary arts. In 2015, he was named a Vancouver Literary Landmark, with a plaque on the city's Commercial Drive commemorating his championing of people writing for themselves about their daily employment. His own work life involved a range of blue- and white-collar jobs across North America, including teaching in both alternative and mainstream post-secondary institutions. He won the Western Canada Jewish Book Awards prize for fiction in 2016 (for the short story collection, The Shadows We Mistake for Love ) and for poetry in 2023 (for Watching a Man Break a Dog's Back: Poems for a Dark Time ). His latest book from Harbour is the memoir The Road to Appledore (or How I Went Back to The Land Without Ever Having Lived There in the First Place) , about which Publisher's Weekly said, "even contented city dwellers will take pleasure from this enchanting account." Wayman lives in Winlaw, BC, and his website is www.tomwayman.
com .