"In spite of common assumptions, research has shown that polyamorous arrangements and plural-love communes are inherently fragile, unstable, and seldom long-lasting. Few report experiencing happiness or emotional satisfaction in their concurrent love relationships. William Jankowiak argues that the problematic nature of polygamous "families" stems from the dyadic nature of love--pair-bond relationships may tolerate side sexual encounters but yearn for emotional exclusivity, even in todays culture of gender fluidity and sexual experimentation. Founded in the 1920s, Colorado City, Arizona (formerly known as Short Creek), is the oldest and largest Mormon fundamentalist polygamous community in the United States. It is organized around a notion of harmonious or familial love that encourages the development of a spiritual bond between all family members. In effect, it is an idealized state that is neither individualized nor dyadic in orientation. Harmonious love, unlike a pair-bond connection, is akin to communitas in being unbounded in its potential for forging, strengthening, and sustaining affectionate connections. It is somewhat equivalent to William Reddys idea of "longing for association.
" Because it encourages respect, empathy, helpfulness, and lasting affection, harmonious love often serves as the principal means to bind and unite the polygamous family. Its nondyadic focus stands, however, in sharp contrast to romantic love, a tolerated but well-kept secret emotional experience that is seldom openly affirmed. Although harmonious love is fervently stressed as the ideal, it is vulnerable to personal sexual desires and romantic preferences"--.