"Al-Alosi presents a thought-provoking, timely, eloquent and detailed examination of the criminalisation of fantasy material. I'd recommend this book to anyone with an interest in the immediate concern of child exploitation and the question of how we interpret and set the limits of individual human 'rights' when faced with the need to protect those who may be harmed". Associate Professor Dr Tony Krone, University of Canberra (Australia). "This book provides a thought-provoking examination of the contemporary regulation of sexually explicit representations of children. Al-Alosi presents a nuanced analysis that thoroughly challenges the ways in which we approach the regulation of explicit material and understand its harms, or lack thereof. This book unsettled my own thinking around the issue and provides timely, original, and provocative contribution". Dr Bianca Fileborn, School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales. Based on a comprehensive analysis of fantasy crime, this book asks fundamental questions about how we conceive of, and prosecute, sexually explicit material portraying children.
This thought-provoking work provides a substantial contribution to the debate. Professor Alex Steel, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales.