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Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power : Early la Tène Elite Burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse Region and Their Northwest European Context
Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power : Early la Tène Elite Burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse Region and Their Northwest European Context
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ISBN No.: 9789464262957
Pages: 546
Year: 202501
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 262.20
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Preface1 Introduction. Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse regionNico Roymans, Liesbeth Theunissen & Sasja van der Vaart-VerschoofPART I. PRESENTING EARLY LA TÈNE ELITE BURIALS FROM THE LOWER RHINE-MEUSE REGION2 The Heumen elite burial. A newly discovered grave of a chariot driver and horse riderNico Roymans, Tess Doorewaard, Niels Stoffels, Liesbeth Theunissen & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof3 The Overasselt situla graveLouis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof4 A lady with her chariot? The Nijmegen-Traianusplein cemetery and vehicle burialSasja van der Vaart-Verschoof, Tess Doorewaard, Ineke Joosten & Art Proaño Gaibor5 The elite graves of Wijshagen-De Rieten on the Kempen PlateauGuido Creemers, Luc Van Impe, Guy De Mulder, Erwin Meylemans, Niels Stoffels, Nico Roymans & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof6 The Eigenbilzen elite burial(s)Guido Creemers, Luc Van Impe, Eugène Warmenbol & Nico Roymans7 Other conspicuous grave finds from the Lower Rhine-Meuse regionNico Roymans, Louis Swinkels & Sasja van der Vaart-VerschoofPART II. SCIENCE-BASED MATERIAL ANALYSES8 Bioarchaeological study of cremated remains from three cemeteries in the Nijmegen regionBirgit Berk & Martijn van Haasteren9 Bioarchaeological analyses of the cremated remains from the Iron Age elite graves of Wijshagen-De RietenBarbara Veselka, Ben Gruwier, Rica Annaert, Mathieu Boudin, Giacomo Capuzzo, Sarah Dalle, Guy De Mulder, Marta Hlad, Charlotte Sabaux, Kevin Salesse, Amanda Sengeløv, Elisavet Stamataki, Martine Vercauteren, Eugène Warmenbol & Christophe Snoeck10 Comparative science-based analyses of bronze grave goodsLiesbeth Theunissen, Bertil van Os, Louis Swinkels, Luc Megens, Lambert van Eijck & Ineke Joosten11 Tracing Marnian pottery imports through XRF-analysisBertil van Os, Ineke Joosten & Peter van den BroekePART III. COMPARATIVE ANALYSES AND SOCIAL INTERPRETATIONS12 Changing pottery style and the diffusion of Marnian warePeter van den Broeke13 Early La Tène two-wheeled vehicles and horse tack in the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. A technical and practical equestrian perspectiveTess Doorewaard & Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof14 Characterising Early La Tène elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their interregional connectionsNico Roymans15 Societal change and interregional connectivity in the 5th-century BC Lower Rhine-Meuse regionNico Roymans, Lasse van den Dikkenberg & Lisette M. KootkerPART IV.

CONCLUSION16 Final remarks. New insights and the Lower Rhine-Meuse region from a European perspectiveNico RoymansSamenvatting / Zusammenfassung / Resumé / SummaryList of contributors.

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