Frontmatter 1 Contents 5 1. The Future of Modernist Housing 11 Introduction 19 Introduction 21 2. Understanding the Origin, Trajectories of Change, and Future Prospects for Large Housing Estates in Europe 25 3. Introduction to the System of Soviet Mass Housing. Type Design, Typification and Typology 49 4. Maintaining Mass Housing: Methodology of Research and Comparative Perspective 75 5. Non-Capital Renovation--Urban Tissue Morphotypes and Evaluation of Potential of Intensive Development: Saint Petersburg as Case Study 91 Introduction 119 6. Large Housing Estates: A Place to Call "Home" 121 7.
Images and Identities of the Post-Socialist Housing Estates in Ukraine vs. Jane Jacobs's The Death and Life of Great American Cities 141 8. Perceptions and Constructed Marginality in Soviet and Post-Soviet Large Housing Estates: The Case of Saint Petersburg, Russia 157 9. Collective Housing Complexes of Socialist Yugoslavia: The Development of Living Standards and the Strengthening of Communities 169 10. Challenge of Demographic Change -- Recognizing General and Site-Specific Aspects in Large Housing Estates 185 Introduction 199 11. Innovation in Housing: Decarbonization in Latvia 201 12. Property Relationships and Post-Soviet Urban Planning: Three Critical Cases 217 13. Strategies for Complex Transformation in Vilnius 233 14.
Reimagining Housing Estates and the Nexus of Planning and Policy 243 Introduction 261 15. Irkutsk Akademgorodok District--Principles for the Development of Spatial Qualities 263 16. The Future of the New Past: Changes in Public Spaces in the Novo-melnikovo District in Irkutsk 281 17. The Present State and Perspectives of Development of Cheryomushki in Krasnoyarsk 297 18. Development of Mass Housing Districts in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Cheryomushki and Tairovo in Odessa 305 Contributors 323.