Professional Practice for Interior Designers
Professional Practice for Interior Designers
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Author(s): Piotrowski
Piotrowski, Christine M.
ISBN No.: 9781119554516
Pages: 752
Year: 202003
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 143.45
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii Part 1 The Profession 1 1. Interior Design as a Profession 3 Why Study Professional Practice? 4 What is a Profession? 5 Defining the Profession 6 Professional and Social Responsibility 7 Historical Overview 8 Interior Design Value 10 The Business of Interior Design 13 2. Professional Advancement 19 Educational Preparation 20 Internships 22 Lifelong Learning 23 Professional Certification 24 Licensing and Registration 26 Professional Associations 28 3. Going Global 37 Global Design Work 38 Professional Practice in a Global Market 39 Cultural Sensitivity 43 International Etiquette 45 Part 2 Career Paths 49 4. Where Do Designers Work? 51 How Do Designers Work? 52 Types of Work Environments 53 Collaboration 57 Expectations 58 Your First Job 59 On?the?Job Strategies 62 Making a Career Change 62 5. Professional Options 67 A Personal Mission Statement 68 Personal and Professional Goals 69 Career Decisions 73 Design Career Specialties 74 6. The Job Search 85 The Search is On 86 Resumes 90 The Cover Letter 96 Portfolios 99 How Employers Review Resumes and Cover Letters 102 The Job Interview 103 Typical Interview Questions 107 Illegal Questions 109 Follow?Up 110 Part 3 Professional Responsibility 115 7. Ethics and Professional Conduct 117 Ethical Standards 118 Ethics in the Business Environment 119 Professional Conduct 122 8.

Legal Responsibilities 129 The Legal Environment of Interior Design Practice 130 Criminal Versus Tort Law 133 Negligence 134 Intentional Torts 136 Intellectual Property--Copyright 138 Code Compliance 143 Part 4 Defining the Project 147 9. Project Compensation and Design Fees 149 Calculating the Billing Rate 150 Which Compensation Method? 152 Estimating Design Fees 153 Indirect Job Costs 156 Methods for Setting Design Fees 157 10. Preparing Design Contracts 169 Definition and Basic Elements of a Contract 170 Letter of Agreement or Contract? 175 Proposals Versus Contracts 176 Contract Form and the Statute of Frauds 177 Developing the Design Contract 179 Content Formalities 182 Interior Design Contracts: Content and Form 183 Performance and Breach 199 Termination by Agreement 202 Avoiding Contract Disputes 202 11. Trade Sources 207 Internet Sourcing 208 Manufacturers 208 Sales Representatives 209 Marts, Showrooms, and Market Centers 210 Local Showrooms 212 Retail Specialty Stores 212 Manufacturer''s Dealers 212 Trades and Crafts Resources 213 Construction Contractors 214 Selecting Trade Sources 215 12. Product Pricing 221 Pricing 222 Pricing Terms 222 Discounts 224 Selling Prices 228 Deposits, Down Payments, and Retainers 231 Freight and FOB 233 Delivery and Installation Charges 234 Sales and Use Taxes 235 13. The Selling of Goods: The Uniform Commercial Code and Warranties 241 Historic Overview of the UCC 242 UCC Definitions 243 The Buyer''s Rights and Obligations 244 The Seller''s Rights and Obligations 245 Statute of Frauds 248 The Sales Contract 249 Electronic Agreements and Signatures 255 Sales on Approval 257 Title 258 Risk 258 Warranties and Product Liability 259 Part 5 Project Delivery 269 14. Building Client Relationships 271 Understanding Your Client 272 Buyer Demographics 274 The Buyer Decision?Making Process 276 Creating Customer Loyalty 277 Managing Customer Expectations 278 Bringing Value to Clients Through Design 279 Negotiating 280 Confidentiality 282 Good Impressions 283 15. The Project Management Process 291 What is Project Management? 292 The Role of the Designer/specifier 295 Phases of an Interior Design Project 297 Stakeholders 307 Selecting Project Teams 309 Project Delivery Methods 310 Building Information Modeling (BIM) 312 Risk Management 313 Value Engineering 314 Plan Review Boards 315 Project Schedules 316 Project Budgeting 318 Managing and Recording Your Time 321 Project Files or Job Books 326 16.

Contract Documents and Specifications 335 Contract Documents 336 Specifications 340 Specifications Organization 346 Sustainable Product Specifications 348 Construction Agreement 349 Competitive Bidding 350 Modifications 359 Submittals 362 17. Contract Administration: Construction and Order Processing 365 Contract Administration: Construction 366 Contract Administration: Procurement and Order Processing 368 Shipping and Freight 383 Expediting 384 18. Contract Administration: Delivery and Project Closeout 389 Delivery and Installation 390 Project Closeout 394 Postoccupancy and Follow?Up 397 Part 6 Establishing an Interior Design Practice 403 19. Creating and Managing an Interior Design Practice 405 Motivations for Business Ownership 406 Understanding the Risks of Business Ownership 408 Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership 410 Types of Practice Organizations 412 Working Alone 413 Buying an Existing Business 414 The Stages of a Business 416 Functions of Management 418 Management Styles 419 20. Advice and Counsel 423 Attorney 424 Accountant 425 Banker 426 Sources of Capital 427 Establishing Business Credit 429 Insurance 430 Technical Consultants 434 Sources of Information and Assistance 435 21. Preparing the Business Plan 441 The Business Plan 442 Start?Up Costs 446 Setting up the Office 447 Green Office Management 455 22. Business Formations 459 Sole Proprietorship 460 Partnerships 463 Limited Liability Company (LLC) 466 Corporations 467 Joint Venture 472 23. Business Legal Filings and Licenses 477 Business Legal Filings 478 Naming Your Business 480 Licenses 482 Income Tax Basics 484 Part 7 Marketing for Success 489 24.

Fundamentals of Marketing 491 What is Marketing? 492 Online Marketing: An Overview 492 The Four Ps of Marketing 493 Marketing Analysis 495 Branding 496 Target Marketing 498 Establishing a Niche 500 Marketing Plan 502 25. Promotional Tools 507 Promotion 508 Public Relations 509 Publicity 510 Press Releases 511 Traditional Marketing Tools: An Overview 512 Proposals as a Marketing Tool 526 26. Marketing Online 533 An Introduction to Online Marketing 534 Web Sites 535 Social Media Marketing 538 Online and Social Media Etiquette 545 27. Selling Strategies 549 What is Selling? 550 Selling Services Versus Products 552 Selling Techniques 553 The Selling Process 554 Types of Presentations 559 The Initial Client Interview 560 Closing Techniques 565 Presentation Follow?Up 567 Overcoming Objections 567 Additional Guidelines for Making Presentations 569 Part 8 Managing an Interior Design Practice 573 28. Money Management 575 Accounting Methods: Accrual Versus Cash Accounting 576 Accounting Records and Systems 578 Basic Financial Reports: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows 582 Computer Applications for Accounting 591 Managing Your Finances 592 Financial Ratios and Percentages 596 Controlling Overhead 601 29. Employee Management 605 The Agency Relationship 606 Job Classifications 609 Job Descriptions 612 Employment at Will 614 Employment Contracts 617 Independent Contractors 620 Compensation and Fringe Benefits 623 The Performance Evaluation 628 The Employee Handbook 629 Mentoring 630 Sexual Harassment 631 Federal Laws Regulating Employment 633 30. Strategic Planning: Designing the Future 639 The Importance of Planning 640 Strategic Planning Basics 641 Mission Statements 643 Business Analysis 644 Business Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics 646 Budgeting 647 Measuring Performance 649 Benchmarking 650 Appendix 655 Glossary 659 General References 683 Index 713.

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