Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask : Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings
Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask : Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings
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Author(s): Geniusz, Mary Siisip
ISBN No.: 9780816696734
Pages: 344
Year: 201506
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 123.01
Status: Out Of Print

Contents Foreword Wendy Makoons Geniusz Introduction A Note on Botanical Usage Invocation 1. Traditional Anishinaabe Teaching About Plants "The Year the Roses Died" The Primacy of Plants How do We Know This, or the Descent of Our Knowledge? Talking to Plants Indigenous or Imported? The Use of Story in Ethnobotany 2. Indinawemaaganag: All of My Relatives "How Cedar Came into the World: The Creation Story of Cedar and Bearberry" "Nookomis Giizhik: The Cedar Song" White Cedar, Nokomis Giizhik, Thuja occidentalis Traditional Anishinaabe Advice to Youth "The Lady of the Red and Black Wigwam" Cedar Medicines "The Birch Tree, the Maple Tree, and Nanaboozhoo" Paper Birch, Nimishoomis Wiigwaas, Betula papyrifera "Nanaboozhoo and the Thunderbirds" "The Runner and the Birch Sap" Balsam fir, Nimisenh, Abies balsamea 3. Other Conifers Important to the Anishinaabeg "Why Some Trees Keep Their Leaves When Others do Not" "Nanaboozhoo and Paul Bunyan" The Pines, Tacobeshig, Pinus spp. White Pine, Zhingwaak, Pinus strobus Red Pine, Apakwanagemag, Pinus resinosa Jack Pine, Wakikaandag, Pinus banksiana Scotch Pine, Pinus sylvestris Medicinal Virtues of the Pines Foot Baths Inhalants from Pines Spruce, Gaawaandag, Picea mariana and Picea glauca The Virtues of Spruce The Ancient Warrior Tamarack, Mashkiigmitig, Larix laricina The Medicinal Virtues of Tamarack Eastern Hemlock, Gaagaagiwanzh, Tsuga canadensis Juniper, Juniperus horizontalis, Juniperus communis, and Juniperus virginiana 4. Three Food Plants that have been Very Useful to the Anishinaabeg "Nanaboozhoo and the Dancing Men" Cattail, Apakweshkway, Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia Labrador Tea, Mashkiigobag, Ledum groenlandicum Jerusalem Artichokes, Giizisoojiibik, Helianthus tuberosus 5. Four Plants that the Anishinaabeg have Used in the Traditional, Material Culture "The Shut-eye Dance: The Creation of Red Osier, Bittersweet, and Lichens" The Cornus Family Red Osier, Miskwaabiimizh, Cornus stolonifera Bunchberry, Ode''iminijiibik, Cornus canadensis Staghorn Sumac, Baakwaanaatig, Rhus typhina Sphagnum Moss, Aasaakamig, Sphagnum spp. "Nanaboozhoo and the Squeaky-Voice Plant" Nanaboozhoo''s Squeaky-Voice Plant: Lycopodium, Lycopodium spp.

6. Major Medicinal Plants that have Shared Their Virtues with the Anishinaabeg Yarrow, Waabanoganzh, Achillea millefolium Mullein, Nookaadiziganzh, Verbascum thapsus "The South Wind and the Maiden of the Golden Hair" Dandelion, Doodooshaaboojiibik, Taraxacum officinale Plantain, Omakakiibag, Plantago major and Plantago lanceolata Roses, Oginiiminagaawanzh, Rosa spp. The Eupatoriums Joe Pye Weed, Bagizowin, Eupatorium purpureum Shield and Lance Plant, Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum and Eupatorium rugosum Jewelweed, Ozaawashkojiibik, Impatiens capensis, Impatiens pallida, and Poison Ivy, Animikiibag, Toxicodendron radicans The Monarda Family Wild Bergamot, "Baby Saver Plant", Monarda fistulosa Bee Balm, Aamoogaawanzh, Monarda didyma Goldthread, Ozaawijiibik, Coptis groenlandica Violets, Waawiyebag, Viola spp. "Nanaboozhoo and Name" The.

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