Contents:1 Introduction: towards holistic knowledge of marineenvironmental changes 1Nina Tynkkynen, Savitri Jetoo, Jaana Kouri, Silja Laineand Anna TörnroosPART I INTERDISCIPLINARITY OF CONCEPTS ANDMETHODS2 Climate change scenarios and future legal challenges: thenorthern seas experiment 22Viljam Engström and Michel Rouleau-Dick3 The anti-landscapes of the Arctic: understandingcircumpolar sea-land relationships from a Lacanian perspective 43Chenru XuePART II INTERDISCIPLINARITY WITHIN ANDBETWEEN INSTITUTIONS4 Environmental heritage for sustainability 67Nina Tynkkynen, Jaana Kouri, Silja Laine, Otto Latva,Tuomas Räsänen and Kirsi Sonck-Rautio5 'Everything is protected now, but who protects the localpeople?': local ecological knowledge of Kihnu Island 86Raivo Kalle, Anatole Danto, Renata Sõukand and Andrea Pieroni6 The anatomy of complex marine problems: a case study ofdecision-making on archipelagic aquaculture 106Henrik Ringbom, Magnus Hellström, Christian Pansch,Nina Tynkkynen and Anna TörnroosPART III CO-CREATING ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE7 Sea and me: creative writing as a research method in theco-creation of environmental heritage 136Jaana Kouri and Savitri Jetoo8 Many voices and tipping point: two case studies of art andscience collaborations as processes of knowledge production 154Laura Hellsten and Frank Berger9 Creative environmental relationships enhance resilience:sensobiographic walks at Kokemäenjoki river 175Inkeri AulaPART IV ENGAGING WITH THE MORE-THAN-HUMAN WORLD10 Hydro-sociality: life by the North Water in High Arctic Greenland 197Kirsten Hastrup11 Art of navigating shifting salinities and shorelines 210Taru Elfving12 The concept of plasticology 228Agnieszka Dabrowska13 Marine plastic waste: new technologies for plastic wasteminimization 246Malgorzata Rusioska, Anna Wozna and Michal RybkaIndex.
Understanding Marine Changes : Environmental Knowledge and Methods of Research