Bernd Müller , Doctor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) from Technical University of Ilmenau. He is a private researcher specialized in Geometridae since 1968. Co-author of several entomological books and author of several entomological publications. Sven Erlacher started collecting butterflies and moths at the age of 11. Since 2006 he has worked as a research entomologist at the Natural History Museum of Chemnitz and is author of numerous papers on the biology and taxonomy of Geometridae. Axel Hausmann , PhD in zoology (1990) from University of Munich. He leads the entomology department at the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, Munich. His research focuses on DNA barcoding and integrated taxonomy of Geometridae at the global scale.
Hossein Rajaei , PhD in zoology from University of Bonn (2012). He is curator of the Lepidoptera collection in Natural History Museum of Stuttgart, author of over 50 scientific publications, mainly on phylogeny and taxonomy of the Geometridae. Pasi Sihvonen , PhD (2003) and docentship in zoology and evolutionary biology (2016) from University of Helsinki. He leads the entomology team at Finnish Museum of Natural History. His research focuses on the phylogeny and taxonomy of Geometridae at the global scale. Peder Skou , private researcher specializing in Geometridae since the mid 1960's. Educated accountant, since 1984 publisher of entomological books. A leading field worker in the European Geometridae and author of several books on Geometridae.