Origins 1. Begin at the End: Introduction to Indian Philosophy 2. Scriptures, Schools, and Systems: A Historical Overview 3. Kingdom for a Horse: India in the Vedic Period 4. Hide and Seek: The Upanisads 5. Indra's Search: The Self in the Upanisads 6. You Are What You Do: Karma in the Upanisads 7. Case Worker: Panini's Grammar 8.
Suffering and Smiling: The Buddha 9. Crossover Appeal: The Nature of the Buddha's Teaching 10. Carry a Big Stick: Ancient Indian Political Thought 11. Better Half: Women in Ancient India 12. Grand Illusion: Dharma and Deception in the Mahabharata 13. World on a String: The Bhagavad-gita 14. Mostly Harmless: Non-Violence The Age of the Sutra 15. A Tangled Web: The Age of the Sutra 16.
When in Doubt: The Rise of Skepticism 17. Master of Ceremonies: Jaimini's Mimamsa-sutra 18. Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Mimamsa on Knowledge and Language 19. Source Code: Badarayaa's Vedanta-sutra 20. No Two Ways About It: Sakara and Advaita Vedanta 21. Communication Breakdown: Bhartrhari on Language 22. The Theory of Evolution: isvarakrsna's Samkhya-karika 23. Who Wants to Live Forever? Early ayurvedic Medicine 24.
Practice Makes Perfect: PataƱjali's Yoga-sutra 25. Where There's Smoke There's Fire: Gautama's Nyaya-sutra 26. What You See Is What You Get: Nyaya on Perception 27. Standard Deductions: Nyaya on Reasoning 28. The Truth Shall Set You Free: Nyaya on the Mind 29. Fine Grained Analysis: Kanada's Vaisesika-sutra 30. The Whole Story: Vaisesika on Complexity and Causation 31. A Day in the Life: Theories of Time 32.
The Wolf's Footprint: Indian Naturalism 33. Mind out of Matter: Materialist Theories of the Self Buddhists and Jainas 34. We Beg to Differ: The Buddhists and Jainas 35. It All Depends: Nagarjuna on Emptiness 36. Motion Denied: Nagarjuna on Change 37. No Four Ways About It: Nagarjuna's Tetralemma 38. Taking Perspective: The Jaina Theory of Standpoints 39. Well Qualified: The Jainas on Truth 40.
Change of Mind: Vasubandhu and Yogacara Buddhism 41. Who's Pulling Your Strings? Buddhaghosa on No-Self and Autonomy 42. Under Construction: Dignaga on Perception and Language 43. Follow the Evidence: Dignaga's Logic 44. Doors of Perception: Dignaga on Consciousness Beyond Ancient India 45. In Good Taste: The Rasa Aesthetic Theory 46. Learn by Doing: Tantra 47. Looking East: Indian Influence on Greek Thought 48.
The Buddha and I: Indian Influence on Islamic and European Thought 49. What Happened Next: Indian Philosophy After Dignaga.