The Bucharest Legacy is an action-packed historical spy novel based on true events and depicts the years after the fall of communism in Romania; readers will be intrigued by the rise of the oligarchs that corrupted the long-awaited change to democracy and mired the country in years of disillusionment and despair-- all told by an expert in Romanian history. The Bucharest Legacy is the sequel to The Bucharest Dossier , Maz' s debutA new talent to the espionage thriller genre-- first novel, The Bucharest Dossier , was described as " one of the top debuts of 2022" by Bookreporter The Bucharest Dossier won the Chanticleer International Novel contest in the Global Thrillers category, and it won the National Indie Excellence award for Thriller The Bucharest Dossier was named a finalist for the International Book Award for Thriller/AdventureAuthor resides in State College, PA, and has homes in New York City, East Hampton, NY, and Salt Lake City, UT. He plans active promotion in all these localesAuthor has hired a major PR firm to promote The Bucharest Legacy " With lean, efficient prose, sharp dialogue, solid characterizations, and a good grasp of tradecraft, the novel is a must-read for fans of spy thrillers. Fans of John le Carré , too, will be very impressed: although in no way a le Carré imitator, the novel has the same flavour; it feels like a real story and not like something someone made up. Well done." -- Booklist Author is an anesthesiologist with an extensive background in the study of fiction writingAuthor has lived in Romania, travels frequently to Bucharest, speaks the language, and is an expert in the culture both during and post the Soviet eraFans of the late John le Carré will find stunning flashbacks to Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Readers will immediately recognize in William Maz the skill of espionage greats like Daniel Silva, Robert Ludlum, John le Carré , Alan Furst, and Philip KerrCold War history is exposed in this explosive spy novelThe true story of the aftermath of the bloody Romanian Revolution of 1989 told in a riveting spy novel and by an expert in Romanian history.
The Bucharest Legacy : The Rise of the Oligarchs