A harrowing thriller exploring the darker depths of Beverly Hills. US Treasury Agents Charlie Carr and Jack Kelly are investigating a counterfeiting ring when cool and ruthless LA Detective Travis Bailey warns them of a plot to murder their prime witness. Unwittingly, they are involved in a phony stake out in which Kelly is seriously wounded. Deeply suspicious and determined to avenge his partner, Carr puts his life and career on the line in order to build a case against Bailey, and sets out to prove that he is the mastermind behind a series of robberies from the area's wealthy residents. Carr's mission draws him into the depths of moneyed Beverly Hills, as well as into the underworlds of have-nots, hungry for a piece of the Rolls Royce action. To Die in Beverly Hills is an original and harrowing thriller where Gerald Petievich once again successfully demonstrates both his talent for convincing characterization and his inside knowledge of the U.S. Secret Service Treasury Department.
To Die in Beverly Hills