In the second installment of Alison Roberts's A Tale of Two Midwives duet, one night of temptation with a gorgeous stranger leaves the midwife with two life-changing surprises! A DOUBLE SURPRISE FOR THE DOCTOR! Still healing from an unhappy childhood, midwife Jenni refuses to repeat her parents' mistakes. So she lives by these rules: no marriage, no babies. Besides, singledom has its the freedom to spend a passion-filled night with brooding-but-gorgeous anesthetist Dan. Only, soon Jenni discovers she's pregnant--with twins! And the kicker? Dan doesn't believe he's the father. Jenni knows he's scared to hope after learning he can't have children, but his denial hurts. Can they let go of the past and embrace this miracle together ? From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine. A Tale of Two Midwives Book 1: Falling for Her Forbidden Flatmate Book 2: Miracle Twins to Heal Them.
Miracle Twins to Heal Them