1: Presenting complaintsUnderstanding culture, interpreting body language2: Working in general practiceShort questions in the general history, general practice in the UK3: Instructions and proceduresPreparation for carrying out a procedure4: Explaining and reassuringResearch into complaints5: Dealing with medicationPrescribing drugs in hospital, clinical incident reporting6: LifestyleSympathy and empathy, research in medicine7: Parents and young childrenReassurance, baby's six-week check, applying for work8: CommunicationUnderstanding patients, asking and responding to open questions, information web search9: Working in psychiatryAsking about self-harm, describing patients10: Terminal illness and dyingCare in the community, recognising patients' emotions, informing a relative about death11: Working in a teamPoliteness in different cultures, appropriate responses, asking a senior colleague for help12: Diversity at workAsking about culture, spiritual needs in palliative care, name awareness, avoiding and responding to tactless comments.
Oxford English for Careers: Medicine 1 Student's Book