Unequal Planet offers young readers a clear, insightful look at Earth's ongoing inequality crisis If everyone on Earth was equal, we would have the same standards of living, opportunities, wealth, health and other factors that make our lives different. But this isn't the case, the world is not an equal place and many experience great inequality in their lives. Unequal Planet looks at the reasons behind global inequality - from where people are born to their individual income to the impacts of climate change, and suggests some positive, practical solutions to this complex and challenging issue. It also explores what we can all do - at a global and an individual level - to help make the world a more equal and better place. Aimed at readers aged 9 and up. Contents: 1: IT'S NOT FAIR! 2: WHAT IS MONEY? 3: WEALTH AND INCOME 4: RICH AND POOR COUNTRIES 5: NATURAL RESOURCES 6: LAND GRAB! 7: CASE STUDY: HAITI 8: DEALING WITH DEBT 9: INVENTIONS AND TECHNOLOGY 10: CASE STUDY: NORWAY 11: INEQUALITY IN SOCIETY 12: MORE INEQUALITIES 13: CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS 14: CASE STUDY: TORRES STRAIT ISLANDERS 15: CAN WE FIX IT? 16: INTERNATIONAL AID 17: EDUCATION AND KNOWLEDGE 18: CASE STUDY: EQUALITY FOR WOMEN 19: BIG IDEAS 20: WHAT CAN YOU DO? 21: A FAIRER FUTURE? 22: GLOSSARY 23: FURTHER READING 24: INDEX Titles in this series: Plastic Planet Hot Planet Recycled Planet Sustainable Planet Extinction Planet Peaceful Planet.
Unequal Planet