Follow-up to the critically-acclaimed Theseus and the Minotaur, this is the second installment in the TOON Graphic Mythologies series, now translated into English for the first time. TOON Graphics line launching in Fall 2014 has received wide praise and starred reviews, including a feature story in the New York Times (August 2014), recognizing its now trademark exceptional design and production values. TOON Graphic Mytholgies are true "visual narratives": Expanding upon the comics that we normally publish, our mythology tales are visual narratives that follow a more traditional children's book approach. Text and illustrations are detailed, subtle, and immersive so readers can experience these timeless stories again and again. Character Cards, Bibliography, and Index provide literary and historical reference for characters and objects found in ancient Greek Mythology. Strong cross-over markets: Strong appeal in bookstores that specialize in the visual arts, whether university, museum, fine arts, pop cultures, etc. Tips for Visual Readers & Discussion Topics offer parents, teachers, and librarians ways to support readers in experiencing the full communicative power of comics. The perfect addition to school CCSS Collections that support in-depth study of Greek Mythology and Graphic Novels for Grades 3-6.
Accompanying TOON into Reading CCSS-Aligned Lesson Plan and Activity Sheet (free download).