SHORTLISTED FOR THE DONALD MEEK AWARDCha gabh stòiridh mar seo a sheachnadh, is tha Ruairidh MacIlleathain air a bheò ghlacadh leis an sgeul a th' aig Màiri NicEachairne mu Lee Harvey Oswald, murt JFK, is mar a theich i fhèin às na Stàitean. Ach an gabh earbsa a chur sa chunntas aice, agus nan robh Oswald neo-chiontach carson a tha i air a bhith sàmhach cho fada?It's the kind of story no journalist can ignore, and Roddy Maclean is intrigued by Màiri NicEachairne's claim that she knew Lee Harvey Oswald and had to flee the States and change her identity to escape JFK's enemies. But does Màiri's account stand up, and why has she waited so long to prove Oswald's innocence?The Lasag Gaelic readers series offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.
An Creanaiche (the Sufferer)