Set in rural New Mexico, Bethany s Crossing follows intelligent, logical, teenaged Bethany Forrester and her Native American friend, Sage, as they seek the identity of a mysterious fragment of bone found after a train accident. While Bethany approaches the artifact from a scientific position, Sage urges a more spiritual approach including a prayer ceremony and spirit walk with her Pueblo grandfather who, unbeknownst to the girls, is a strong Christian. Bethany s conflict revolves around her development as a young Christian woman. She believes her father still sees her as a child, and that God is a formal and distant entity who does not involve himself in daily lives of young people. By the end of the story, however, Bethany learns the depth of the love both her earthly and Heavenly Fathers have for her. A pleasant story of conflict and belief.
Let's Cruise! (Disney/Pixar Cars)