Keila V. Dawson naci y creci en Nueva Orleans. Cuando creci , viaj por el mundo trabajando como organizadora comunitaria, maestra, administradora escolar, consultora educativa y defensora de ninos con necesidades especiales. Hoy en dia vive en Cincinnati, donde escribe libros para ninos, incluyendo The King Cake Baby y Opening the Road- Victor Hugo Green and His Green Book . Tambien es la coeditora de No Voice Too Small- Fourteen Young Americans Making History y No World Too Big- Young People Fighting Global Climate Change . Keila V. Dawson was born and raised in New Orleans. When she grew up, she traveled the world working as a community organizer, teacher, school administrator, educational consultant, and advocate for children with special needs.
Nowadays she lives in Cincinnati, where she writes books for children, including The King Cake Baby and Opening the Road- Victor Hugo Green and His Green Book. She is also the coeditor of No Voice Too Small- Fourteen Young Americans Making History and No World Too Big- Young People Fighting Global Climate Change. Desde que tenia cinco anos, Katie Crumpton sabia que queria ser artista. Para seguir su educaci n artistica, se mud de Carolina del Sur al area de la bahia de San Francisco, donde ahora vive y trabaja como artista independiente. Katie es la ilustradora de varios libros para ninos, incluyendo A Stitch Through Time y I, Too, Sing America . Ever since she was five years old, Katie Crumpton knew she wanted to be an artist.
To pursue her art education, she moved from South Carolina to the San Francisco Bay Area, where she now lives and works as a freelance artist. Katie is the illustrator of several children's books, including A Stitch Through Time and I, Too, Sing America. Storytelling Math esta dirigido por Marlene Kliman en TERC, una organizaci n sin fines de lucro dedicada a la educaci n STEM. Cada ano, los expertos en TERC inspiran e involucran a millones de aprendices en todo el pais a traves de iniciativas innovadoras como Storytelling Math. www.terc.
edu Storytelling Math is led by Marlene Kliman at TERC, a nonprofit dedicated to STEM education. Every year experts at TERC inspire and engage millions of learners nationwide through innovative initiatives like Storytelling Math.