Jaypeetee Arnakak is an Inuit linguist (one of only two Inuit linguists in Canada), and Inuit educator. Most of Jaypetee's career has been about the Inuit language. At Nunavut Tunngavik and later at Qikiqtani Inuit Association, he served as an Inuit Language and Education policy analyst and engaged in Inuit language and education discourse at the regional, territorial, and national levels as an analyst, commentator and advocate for Inuit language and education rights. He has also worked for the Nunavut Arctic College as an Adult Basic Education instructor, an Inuit Language instructor, and as an instructor for the Interpreter/Translator Program. He currently works full-time for Inhabit Education, Toronto Office, as a Senior Inuit Language Advisor and is involved in Nunavut curriculum development and as a designer/deliverer of Inuit language courses. He was also recently appointed as an executive director for NBES.
Niitu and Chips