In this tale inspired by the Italian performers who serenaded their neighbors from their balconies during the Covid-19 lockdown, a single musical note leads to a neighborhood symphony. The bright illustrations show swirls of colors and musical notes weaving in and out of the homes, suggesting a sense of connection. A joyful celebration of music and community. --Kirkus Reviews Propulsive rhymes unite neighbors in this counting picture book featuring a collaborative musical performance that expands and contracts. Driving rhythms and clear rhymes by Rajan Gopal ( American Desi ) tug with a gentle beat, while energetic illustrations from Sanchez ( Evelyn Del Rey Is Moving Away ) render a sun-washed cityscape with texture and vigorous scribbles in this work about how individuals retain the warmth and support of connection. --Publishers Weekly Gopal, a kindergarten teacher, offers a pleasant, rhyming text that features numbers counting up to 10 and then back down to 1 as night falls. The warm, colorful artwork depicts a diverse group of urban apartment dwellers, young and old, who are clearly enjoying their shared musical experience. Reminiscent of spontaneous musical happenings during the pandemic, this picture book could inspire young children to create their own.