Contents: Anita Peti-Stantic/Mateusz-Milan Stanojevic/Goranka Antunovic: Preface - Ivo Zanic: Dialect electrified or horse-drawn: Popular music as a form of (un)conscious language policy - Monika Kalin Golob: Sociolects and media language: Modernity, attractiveness, democratisation and marketisation - Silvana Vranic/Sanja Zubcic: Dialects in and around small urban centres in the northern cakavian area: The current situation - Natasa Pirih Svetina: Teaching one or more standards? Teaching Slovene - what, where, and for whom? - Sanda Lucija Udier: Positioning the Croatian language by regulating Croatian as L2 - Milica Gacic/Kristina Cergol Kovacevic: Multilingualism - English as a lingua franca and other second and foreign languages in Europe - Nives Vidak/Sandra Didovic Baranac/Daniela Falkoni-Mjehovic: Attitudes of Croatian learners towards learning English, German and Spanish in a formal environment - Renata Samo/Ida curic/Alenka Mikulec: A contribution to reconsidering the role of slang and colloquialisms in contemporary foreign language teaching - Violeta Jurkovic: «Half Thrust to Port»: The potential of using The Mighty Ships series as a tool for the teaching of Maritime English vocabulary - Ivana Petrovic: Verbal fluency in late Croatian-English bilinguals - Nada Zupanovic Filipin: Matched guise technique revisited: The Zagreb case study - Snjezana Veselica Majhut/Ivana Basic: From foot to meter: Rendering of culture-specific items in popular fiction translations from English to Croatian - Alenka Kocbek: Identifying translation-relevant information in legal texts.
Language Varieties Between Norms and Attitudes : South Slavic Perspectives- Proceedings from the 2013 CALS Conference