Modelling and Optimization of Optical Communication Networks
Modelling and Optimization of Optical Communication Networks
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ISBN No.: 9781119839569
Pages: 350
Year: 202308
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 349.57
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (Forthcoming)

Preface xv 1 Investigation on Optical Sensors for Heart Rate Monitoring 1 V. Vijeya Kaveri, V. Meenakshi, N. Kousika and A. Pushpalatha 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Overview of PPG 2 1.2.

1 PPG Waveform 2 1.2.2 Photoplethysmography Waveforms Based on the Origin of Optical Concern 2 1.2.3 Photoplethysmography''s Early on and Modern Records 3 1.2.4 Building Blocks of Photoplethysmography 4 1.2.

5 Protocol Measurement and Reproducibility 6 1.3 Clinical Application - Heart Rate Monitoring 7 1.4 Summary 8 References 8 2 Adopting a Fusion Approach for Optical Amplification 11 E. Francy Irudaya Rani, T. Lurthu Pushparaj and E. Fantin Irudaya Raj 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 The Mechanism Involved 13 2.

3 Types of Amplifier 14 2.3.1 Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers 14 Various Phases and Progress of SOA 15 2.3.2 Fiber Raman Amplifiers 16 2.

3.3 Fiber Brillouin Amplifiers 17 2.3.4 Doped-Fiber Amplifiers 17 2.4 Hybrid Optical Amplifiers 19 2.4.1 EDFA and SOA Hybrid 21 2.4.

2 EDFA and FRA Hybrid 21 2.4.3 RFA and SOA Hybrid 22 2.4.4 Combination of EYDWA as well as SOA 23 2.4.5 EDFA-EYCDFA Hybrid 23 2.4.

6 TDFA Along with RFA Hybrid 23 2.4.7 EDFA and TDFA Hybrid 23 2.5 Applications 24 2.5.1 Telecom Infrastructure Optical Power Amplifier 26 2.6 Current Scenario 27 2.7 Discussion 28 2.

8 Conclusions 30 References 30 3 Optical Sensors 35 M. Shanthi, R. Niraimathi, V. Chamundeeswari and Mahaboob Subahani Akbarali 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 Glass Fibers 36 3.3 Plastic Fibers 37 3.4 Optical Fiber Sensors Advantages Over Traditional Sensors 37 3.

5 Fiber Optic Sensor Principles 38 3.6 Classification of Fiber Optic Sensors 38 3.6.1 Intrinsic Fiber Optic Sensor 39 3.6.2 Extrinsic Fiber Optic Sensor 39 3.6.3 Intensity-Modulated Sensors 40 3.

6.3.1 Intensity Type Fiber Optic Sensor Using Evanescent Wave Coupling 41 Intensity Type Fiber Optic Sensor Using Microbend Sensor 41 3.6.4 Phase Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors 42 3.

6.4.1 Fiber Optic Gyroscope 43 Fiber-Optic Current Sensor 43 3.6.5 Polarization Modulated Fiber Optic Sensors 43 3.

6.6 Physical Sensor 44 Temperature Sensors 44 Proximity Sensor 45 3.

6.6.3 Depth/Pressure Sensor 45 3.6.7 Chemical Sensor 45 3.6.8 Bio-Medical Sensor 46 3.7 Optical Fiber Sensing Applications 49 3.

7.1 Application in the Medicinal Field 50 3.7.2 Application in the Agriculture Field 50 3.7.3 Application in Civil Infrastructure 50 3.8 Conclusion 51 References 51 4 Defective and Failure Sensor Detection and Removal in a Wireless Sensor Network 53 Prasannavenkatesan Theerthagiri 4.1 Introduction 53 4.

2 Related Works 55 4.3 Proposed Detection and Elimination Approach 56 4.3.1 Scanning Algorithm for Cut Tracking (SCT) 63 4.3.2 Eliminate Faulty Sensor Algorithm (EFS) 64 4.4 Results and Discussion 66 4.5 Performance Evaluation 68 4.

6 Conclusion 70 References 71 5 Optical Fiber and Prime Optical Devices for Optical Communication 75 Srividya P. 5.1 Introduction 76 5.2 Optic Fiber Systems Development 77 5.3 Optical Fiber Transmission Link 77 5.4 Optical Sources Suited for Optical Fiber Communication 79 5.5 LED as Optical Source 80 5.6 Laser as Light Source 84 5.

7 Optical Fiber 86 5.8 Fiber Materials 89 5.9 Benefits of Optical Fiber 90 5.10 Drawbacks of Optical Fiber 90 5.11 Recent Advancements in Fiber Technology 90 5.12 Photodetector 92 5.13 Future of Optical Fiber Communication 95 5.14 Applications of Optical Fibers in the Industry 96 5.

15 Conclusion 97 References 97 6 Evaluation of Lower Layer Parameters in Body Area Networks 99 Abhilash Hedge and Durga Prasad 6.1 Introduction 100 6.2 Problem Definition 101 6.3 Baseline MAC in IEEE 802.15.6 102 6.4 Ultra Wideband (UWB) PHY 103 6.5 Castalia 103 6.

5.1 Features 103 6.6 Methodology 105 6.6.1 Simulation Method in Castalia 105 6.6.2 Hardware Methodology 105 6.7 Results and Discussion 106 6.

8 Hardware Setup Using Bluetooth Module 118 6.9 Hardware Setup Using ESP 12-E 118 6.10 Conclusions 122 References 122 7 Analyzing a Microstrip Antenna Sensor Design for Achieving Biocompatibity 125 Sonam Gour, Abha Sharma and Amit Rathi 7.1 Introduction 125 7.2 Designing of Biomedical Antenna 126 7.3 Sensing Device for Biomedical Application 128 7.4 Conclusion 133 References 133 8 Photonic Crystal Based Routers for All Optical Communication Networks 137 T. Sridarshini, Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan, V.

R. Balaji, A. Manjula, S. Indira Gandhi and A. Sivanantha Raja 8.1 Introduction 138 8.2 Photonic Crystals 140 8.2.

1 1D Photonic Crystals 140 8.2.2 2D Photonic Crystals 141 8.2.3 3D Photonic Crystals 142 8.2.4 Photonic Bandgap 142 8.2.

5 Applications 144 8.3 Routers 145 8.4 Micro Ring Resonators 145 8.5 Optical Routers 147 8.5.1 Routers Based on PCRR 147 8.5.2 N x N Router Structures 149 8.

5.2.1 3 x 3 Router 150 4 x 4 Router 151 8.5.2.

3 6 x 6 Router 154 8.5.3 Routers Based on PC Line Defect 157 8.6 Summary 159 References 160 9 Fiber Optic Communication: Evolution, Technology, Recent Developments, and Future Trends 163 Dankan G. Veeranna, M. Nagabushanam, Sridhara S. Boraiah, Ramesha Muniyappa and Devananda S. Narayanappa 9.

1 Introduction 164 9.2 Basic Principles 167 9.3 Future Trends in Fiber Optics Communication 171 9.4 Advantages 174 9.5 Conclusion 176 References 177 10 Difficulties of Fiber Optic Setup and Maintenance in a Developing Nation 179 Dankan G. Veeranna, M. Nagabushanam, Sridhara S. Boraiah, Ramesha Muniyappa and Devananda S.

Narayanappa 10.1 Introduction 180 10.2 Related Works 181 10.3 Fiber Optic Cable 182 10.3.1 Single-Mode Cable 182 10.3.2 Multimode Cable 183 10.

3.2.1 Step-Index Multimode Fiber 183 Graded-Index Multimode Fiber 183 10.3.3 Deployed Fiber Optics Cable 184 10.

4 Fiber Optics Cable Deployment Strategies 184 10.4.1 Aerial Installation 184 10.4.2 Underground Installation 185 Direct-Buried 185 10.

4.2.2 Installation in Duct 185 10.5 Deployment of Fiber Optics Throughout the World 186 10.5.1 Fiber Optics Deployment in India 187 10.5.2 Submarine Fiber Optic in India 187 10.

5.3 Installation of Fiber Optic Cable in the Inland 188 10.6 Fiber Deployment Challenges 188 10.6.1 Deploying Fiber has a Number of Technical Difficulties 188 10.6.2 Right of Way 189 10.6.

3 Administrative Challenges 189 10.6.4 Post-Fiber Deployment Management 190 10.6.5 Fiber Optic Cable Deployment and Management Standards and Best Practices 191 10.7 Conclusion 191 References 191 11 Machine Learning-Enabled Flexible Optical Transport Networks 193 Sridhar Iyer, Rahul Jashvantbhai Pandya, N. Jeyakkannan and C. Karthik 11.

1 Introduction 194 11.2 Review of SDM-EON Physical Models 198 11.2.1 Optical Fibers for SDM-EON 198 11.2.2 Switching Techniques for SDM-EON 200 11.3 Review of SDM-EON Resource Assignment Techniques 205 11.4 Research Challenges in SDM-EONs 209 11.

5 Conclusion 210 References 211 12 Role of Wavelength Division Multiplexing in Optical Communication 217 P. Gunasekaran, A. Azhagu Jaisudhan Pazhani, A. Rameshbabu and B. Kannan 12.1 Introduction 218 12.2 Modules of an Optical Communication System 219 12.2.

1 How a Fiber Optic Communication Works? 220 12.2.2 Codes of Fiber Optic Communication System 220 Dense Light Source 221 12.2.2.

2 Low Loss Optical Fiber 221 12.2.3 Photo Detectors 223 12.3 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) 223 12.3.1 Transceivers - Transmitting Data as Light 224 12.3.2 Multiplexers Enhancing the Use of Fiber Channels 225 12.

3.3 Categories of WDM 225 12.4 Modulation Formats in WDM Systems 226 12.4.1 Optical Modulator 227 Direct Modulation 227 12.

4.1.2 External Modulation 227 12.4.2 Modulation Formats 228 Non Return to Zero (NRZ) 229 12.

4.2.2 Return to Zero (RZ) 230 Chirped RZ (CRZ) 231 12.4.2.

4 Carrier Suppressed RZ (CSRZ) 232 Differential Phase Shift Key (DPSK) 232 12.4.3 Uses of Wavelength Division Multiplexing 233 References 233 13 Optical Ultra-Sensitive Nanoscale Biosensor Design for Water Analysis 235 Shaikh Afzal and Manju Devi 13.1 Introduction 236 13.2 Related Work or Literature Survey 237 13.

2.1 B. Cereus Spores'' Study for Water Quality 237 13.2.2 History Use of Optical Property for Biosensing 238 13.2.3 Photonic Crystal 239 13.3 Tools and Techniques 240 13.

3.1 Opti FDTD 240 13.3.2 EM Wave Equation 240 13.3.3 Optical Ring Resonator 241 13.3.4 Output Power Computation 242 13.

4 Proposed Design 243 1.

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