Inspired by the movie Back to the Future, Gordon (Gordo) Eckler became obsessed with skateboarding at the age of 9. Eckler's first ride was a Ray Barbee rag doll mini. He went on to study Graphic Design at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and connected with legendary skateboarder Jason Jesse in his final year. Jesse invited Gordon to visit the Consolidated Skateboards headquarters in Santa Cruz where he was the team manager. Eckler ended up riding for Consolidated for almost three years and went on two team tours during that time. He later joined The Unbelievers team roster, moved to San Francisco and fully enjoyed the perks of living in a "skate house" and skating year-round. After hanging up his team skating career, Gordon re-immersed himself in creative work and graphic design, most recently starting his own design agency, Plaid Again. Eckler lives and works in the San Francisco bay area.
Skate Trivia: Volume One