Contents Diagnosis I Got Slim Footnotes RB on TB All AIDS, All the Time! It Is Tempting to Forget Nights You Can''t Sleep Depression Is Crazy Depression and Life Depression and Metaphor Passing Depression and Incongruity Depressed Thinking Making Sense Political Discomfort Thinking of Bleeding Kids Say the Darndest Things Negative Logic and a Positive Point of View "How Can Plain Curiosity Be Unkind?" Towel Stories (I) Diabetes? Cholesterol? Something Else? The AIDS Crisis Is Not Over Speaking of HIV Old Friends, New Friends Famous Last Words Tough as Nail Polish No Therapy Unspoken Knowledge From Hervé Guibert''s Hospital Diary (I) Hospital Visits From Hervé Guibert''s Hospital Diary (II) Star Entrance Star Exit The Dream Sequence I Died a Thousand Deaths (All of Them Gorgeous) Others The New World Three Thousand Deaths in One Day Waiting Nearness and Neighborliness Beckoning and Appealing Incomplete Strangers Ground Zero "I''m Going to Die, Aren''t I?" Happy Hour at the Cox Naked Arab Bodies S-21 Shaming the Torturers The Modernity of Torture The E.R. Episode Truth and Torture Dining with French People Encountering the Strange Times Square Lost In the City and Out From Public Schools to Public Pools Particular Bodies The Falling Man Towel Stories (II) One Drop of Blood Disclosure Shame and Experience The Doorstep of Shame Forget Your Health Disclosures and Surfaces Obama''s Disclosures, Forever Deferred Chat (I) Chat (II) Adventures in Online Cruising On the Question of Barebacking, Very Briefly Coda to the Story of K*** Touchiness Reason to Exclude The Stories of AIDS Academic Talk A Brief History of HIV/AIDS Disclosure Founding Mothers Look Back in Anger (When AIDS Was All the Rage) Uttering AIDS Where''s the Police When You Need ''Em? What I Said and How I Said It The Purloined Letter So Am I Small Talk I Know, It''s Only Rock ''n'' Roll, But . Compatible Discordance The Battlefield of the Body Dysclosure Towel Stories (III) Taste Intimacy in Public Accounting for Taste Reembodiment and Discomfort Reentering the Movie Theater Moving in Queer Circles Spaces, People, and Actions (I) The Return of Tosca (Entr''acte) Spaces, People, and Actions (II) Again, Where''s the Police? Tact My Contact in the Underground Hostile Bodies (and the People Who Love Them) Sharing: From Disclosure to Tact Tact and Delicacy (I) Tactlessness Tactful Encounters Tact and Delicacy (II) The Shower Scene Tact and Delicacy (III) Tact, Power, and the Police (I) Tact, Power, and the Police (II) Tact and Contamination Tact and Silence Tact and Failure Tact and Unreason The Kindness of Strangers Sunday in the Park with . ? The Yellow Star Tact as Social Musicmaking A Fart Joke from Proust Touch and Other Senses Immodesty Reentering the Movie Theater''s Restroom Tact and Intimation Found Objects (I): Tact and Bearing Witness as Forms of Bricolage Tactfulness to the Dead Found Objects (II): Some Beauty Contact Leaving the Door Open The Unexpected Coda: May 24, 2011 Acknowledgments Notes Bibli.
The Nearness of Others : Searching for Tact and Contact in the Age of HIV