La correspondencia de César Vallejo es la mejor puerta de entrada documental a su biografía. Esta edición recoge todas las cartas que se conocen escritas por Vallejo y dirigidas a él; además, esta se enriquece con notas aclaratorias que permiten adentrarse en el universo de César Vallejo.Este primer volumen recoge las cartas escritas entre 1910 y 1928. Se incluyen, entre otras, misivas hasta ahora inéditas dirigidas a Tristan Tzara y Xavier Abril, y se incorpora a la correspondencia el total de las solicitudes que envió Vallejo, durante su estadía en la cárcel de Trujillo, solicitando su libertad.César Vallejo's correspondence is the best documentary gateway to his biography. This edition collects all the known letters written by Vallejo and addressed to him. In addition, it is enriched with explanatory notes that allow us to delve into the universe of César Vallejo.This first volume collects letters written between 1910 and 1928.
It includes, among others, unpublished letters addressed to Tristan Tzara and Xavier Abril, and all of the petitions Vallejo sent from his time in the Trujillo prison, requesting his release. Tzara and Xavier Abril, and all of the petitions Vallejo sent from his time in the Trujillo prison, requesting his release. Tzara and Xavier Abril, and all of the petitions Vallejo sent from his time in the Trujillo prison, requesting his release. Tzara and Xavier Abril, and all of the petitions Vallejo sent from his time in the Trujillo prison, requesting his release.