Preface; Volume 1 -- A Social-Ecological Approach to Understanding Cyberbullying Involvement; Past, Present, and Future Theoretical Developments in Predicting Cyberbullying Behavior; Measuring Cyberbullying: Towards an Integrative Approach to Assessment; Adolescents Perceptions of Suffered and Committed Cyber-Aggressive Behavior; Examination of Cyberbullying Experiences among Students from Different Age Groups; Gender Differences in Cyberbullying Perpetration: The Role of Moral Disengagement and Aggression; Gender Differences in Peer-Pressured Sexting; The Role of Emotional Processes in (Cyber)bullying; Who is Who in Cyberbullying? Conceptual and Empirical Perspectives on Bystanders in Cyberbullying; The Adolescent-Parent Context and Positive Youth Development in the Ecology of Cyberbullying; Social-Ecological Perspective: Power of Peer Relations in Determining Cyber-Bystander Behavior; English Teachers and Cyberbullying: A Qualitative Exploration of the Stakeholders Perceptions and Experience of the Phenomenon; Exposure to Antisocial and Risk Behavior Media Content Stimulates Cyberbullying Behavior: The Cyclic Process Model; Cyberbullying: The Need to Extend the Concept Beyond Peer Aggression; Does Culture Matter? Cyberbullying Perpetration and Cybervictimization in the Mediterranean Sea Region; Risks Factors in Cyberbullying: The Moderating Role of Culture; Cyberbullying in Europe: A Review of Evidence from Cross-National Data; The Role of Ethnicity and Culture in Cyberbullying Experiences among Youth; Approaches to Reducing Cyberbullying: Change the Bully, Change the Bystander, or Change the Victim?; Cyberbullying Requires More than a Virtual Response: Suggestions for Prevention; In Search of a Simple Method: Is a Human Face an Effective, Automatic Filter Inhibiting Cyberbullying?; An Analysis of Cyberbullying Victimization Case Studies in the Context of the Social-Ecological Theory; Concluding Remarks on the Social-Ecological Approach to Understanding Cyberbullying. Volume 2 -- Preschool Teachers Perceptions about the Definition and Manifestations of Bullying in Early Childhood Settings; Teachers Attitudes towards Bullying; Bullying via Violent Communication by Early Childhood Education Teachers during Teaching Processes: Two Observational Studies; Nonverbal Expressions Related to Violent Communication and Bullying in Kindergarten; Classroom Noise and Miscommunication as Modern Forms of Violent Communication and Bullying; Observing Kinesics of Violent Communication and Bullying in Early Childhood Classrooms; Current Theoretical Discussions on Characteristics of Cyberaggression, School Miscommunication and Bullying in Early Education; Preschool Teachers Perceptions about the Effective Intervention for Bullying at the Preschool Age; Teaching Social Skills, Empathy and Assertiveness by Teachers and Parents to Prevent Early Childhood Violent Communication and Bullying: Towards a Nonviolent Communication Education; Literature and Novels as Teaching Strategies for Violent Communication and Early Childhood Bullying Prevention; Social Antecedents of Bullying: When Does Peer Interaction Become Interpersonal Rejection?; Prospects of Interactive Digital Storytelling Applications in Prevention and Treatment of Bullying in Preschool Education; How to Prepare Cross-National Bullying Studies: Conceptualization and Operationalization Differences; Gender Differences in Bullying and Suicide; The Influence of Parenting on School Bullying: Does Child Gender Matter?; Prevention and Psycho-Pedagogical Correction of Bullying in School: Russian Perspective; Framing School Bullying as Reflection of Deteriorating Basotho Moral Principles; Discrimination and Bullying in an Elementary School in Java, Indonesia. Volume 3 -- Moral Disengagement as an Adaptive Strategy in the Face of Violent Behaviour among Peers; Bullying among Health Care Providers; Cyberbullying; Bullying, Personal Self-Regulation, Resilience, Coping Strategies and Engagement-Burnout: Implications for an Intervention With University Students; From Bullying to Pandemy of Terrorism: Synergetic Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Metodology of Mental Health Protection; Bullying Interventions; Cyberbullying Validation; Cyberbullying Prevalence Medium, Motive and Reaction; Modulating Variables of Violent Behavior of Aggressive Victims of Bullying; Bullying Among Training School Male Adolescents and Male Adult Prisoners: Descriptive Analysis; Coping Strategies and Cognitive Processes Related to Peer Victimization and the Role of Intervention Programs; Bullying Among Male Athletes: A Contextual Examination; Cyberbullying: Bullying Gone Digital; School and Peer Contexts of Bullying; Cyberbullying and Students Engagement in School: A Literature Review; Bullying and Moral Reasoning: The Influence of Life Values and Culture on Italian Teenagers Self-Assertion; Bullying as an Organizational Safety Issue: Do Different Types of Bullying Lead to Different Litigated Outcomes?; Bystander Position-taking in School Bullying: The Role of Positive Identity, Self-efficacy and Self-determination; Combating School Bullying through Developmental Guidance for Positive Youth Development and Promoting Harmonious School Culture; Determining Adolescents Risk for Involvement in Bullying or Cyberbullying: A Review of Two Studies; School Based Bullying in Ireland A Cause for Concern? A Review of Research from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Volume 4 -- Youth Cyber-Bullying: Risks, Intervention and Prevention; Cyber-bullying: Emergence, Current Status and Future Trends; Online Social Networking Behaviours, Cyber-Bullying, Mental Health and Behavioural Functioning in Australian Students; Does the Cyberbullying Prevention Program Surf-Fair Work? An Evaluation Study; What Can High Schools Do to Prevent Cyber Bullying?; Progress and Limitations in the Measurement of Cyberbullying; Changing the Student Experience of Cyberbullying Through a Cyber-Safety Program; Setting an Agenda for Future Research into Cyberbullying Using Social Network Analysis; Concepts of Bullying: Developmental and Cultural Aspects; The Development of Bullying; School Bullying: Its Nature and Ecology; Bullying among Siblings; Bullying: A Stepping Stone to Dating Aggression?; Workplace Bullying: The Case of Teen Workers; Bullying and Gangs; Bullying Victimization among 13 to 15 year Old School Children: Results from two Comparative Studies in 66 Countries and Regions; Psychiatric Conditions Associated with Bullying; Bullying and Suicide; Morbidity among Bystanders of Bullying Behavior at School; Public Health, Safety and Educational Risks Associated with Bullying Behaviors in American Adolescents; Is there a Syndrome of Bullying?; Deaths Linked to Bullying and Hazing; Interventions to Reduce Bullying; Prevention of Public Health Risks Linked to Bullying: A Need for a Whole Community Approach; Towards a Detection of Bullying Related Morbidity. Volume 5 -- Coping Strategies of Secondary School Students Experiencing Bullying: Frequency, Type of Bullying and Psychosocial Difficulties; Parental Views of Childrens Bullying Experience, Coping Strategies and their Association with Parenting Practices; Bullying in Childhood and Adolescence: Modifying Factors, Impact on Psychosocial Well-Being, and Intervention Strategies; School Bullying and Health Problems: A Developmental Examination of Predictive and Protective Factors and Coping Strategies; The Implementation of a Statewide Bullying Prevention Program and its Impact on Schools and Communities; Personal and Environmental Predictors of School Bullying and its Emotional Consequences; Bullying/Victimization in Preschool Children: Intrapersonal and Contextual Factors; Discordances in Adolescents Adoption of Perspectives on Bullying, and their Importance for Dealing with the Problem; Why do Bullies Bully? Reputation as a Predictor of Bullying; The Role of Father Involvement in Childrens Bullying Behavior: An Overview of the Literature; Bullying Victimization among In-School Adolescents; Children, Violence and Bullying; Botswana: Bullying Victimization among School-Going Adolescents; Workplace and Bullying; Student Bullying: Overview of Research, Federal Initiatives, and Legal Issues; White House Conference on Bullying Prevention; Correlates of Bullying Victimization among in-school Adolescents in the 2005 Botswana Global School-Based Health Survey; Bullying Behaviour Following Students Transition to a Secondary Boarding School Context; Bullying, Cyberbullying, Depression and Suicide Ideation. Volume 6 -- Addressing Bullying of Student Nurses on Clinical Placements: The ARRCA Resolution Model; Occupational Stress as an Antecedent of Workplace Bullying in the Education Sector; Spanish Parenting Styles and Adolescent Bullying; Peer-to-Peer Violence and Bullying: Examining the Federal Response; Bullying Victimization in School Adolescents; Mother Blame: The Resilience and Decision-Making Abilities of Mothers with a School-Aged Child who has been Accused of Bullying; Bullying and Victimization in Adolescence: Characteristics and Risk Factors; Victims of School Bullying: Predictors and Outcomes; Bullying Victimization in Benin: Prevalence and Its Correlates among In-School Adolescents; Bullying Behaviour Following Students Transition to a Secondary Boarding School Context; Bullying, Cyberbullying, Depression and Suicide Ideation among Youth: Comparing Online to Paper-And-Pencil Questionnaires; Bullying: Parenting Styles in Victims and Aggressors; Homophobic Bullying: An Old Problem Only Recently Brought to Light; The Role of Attachment Styles in the Development of Aggressive Behavior Among Peers: An Overview on Homophobic Bullying with a Victims Report; Suicidal Behavior in Association with In-School Bullying in African American Youth; Biopsychosocial Differential Predictors of Suicide and Bullying; Modeling Bullying Propagation in Greece; Addressing the Problems of Bullying in Schools in the U.
Encyclopedia of Bullying (7 Volume Set)